Ï Turkmen sportsmen to train for 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo in the Olympic village of the capital and Avaza sport complex

Turkmen sportsmen to train for 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo in the Olympic village of the capital and Avaza sport complex

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According to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan on participation of Turkmenistan national teams in XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 from April 13, 2018 and for creation of optimum conditions for comprehensive training of national teams of the our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution.

According to the document, the Ministry of Sports and Youth affairs is allowed having training course for high-level preparation of Turkmenistan national teams as well as establishing of specialized sport permanent and seasonal bases in the Olympic village of the capital and Avaza National tourist zone sport complex respectively for these teams from March 1, 2020.

The Ministry of Interior and Hyakimlik of Ashgabat are assigned to hand over sport, social and living facilities to the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs for establishment of specialized sport bases.

The Hyakimlik of Ashgabat is assigned to provide living and meal for sportsmen of Turkmenistan national teams at specialized sport base of the Olympic village.

Based on applications of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs is assigned to provide sportsmen of Turkmenistan national teams with sport nutrition and specialized food additives.

The Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry is assigned with the following:

To control the quality and safety of food nutrition and special food additives providing their accounting and certification;

Based on applications of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs to provide the medicine, which is necessary for sportsmen of Turkmenistan national teams;

To provide medical service of sportsmen in laboratories of health rehabilitation and analysis of the Olympic village as well as to attract foreign specialists and to send national specialists to foreign countries for exchange of practice for relative work.

The Ministry of Education, military and law enforcement agencies are assigned the following:

Based on the applications of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs to provide the participation of students, officers and sportsmen who currently serve the duty and are the members of Turkmenistan national teams in training courses;

To regulate the implementation of works with relative documents and according to existing legislation under their authority within 10 days .