Ï Implementation of reforms is discussed at the working session

Implementation of reforms is discussed at the working session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with the participation of the Speaker of the Mejlis and Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers where issues related to the industrialization of the country, successful implementation of the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 have been reviewed, solution of these issues and perspective plans has been outlined.

Opening working session, Turkmen leader noted that the situation in different spheres of life of the state were discussed at the session of the Government dedicated to the outcomes of 2018 as well as at the meetings with deputies of the Mejlis and representatives of public organization and cultural sphere.

The participants of the session reported on the works in the structures under their supervision and fulfilment of the assignments given by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Turkmen leader has paid special attention to the activation of work of the Vice-premiers in the velayats under their supervision, which is aimed at the solution of social objectives.

It was highlighted in this regard that all branches of the economy and private sector have common goals, which are successful implementation of new edition of National Programme of improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020, the Programme of industrial development of the country until 2030 and the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025.

All of these is very important for further strengthening of national economy, active attraction of entrepreneurs to work in all spheres, especially for steadfast improvement of life level of Turkmenistan citizens, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Having noted that the expansion of international cooperation is related to current subjects, the President highlighted that while implementing the ‘open door’ policy, Turkmenistan is ready for the partnership with all interested countries and the work in this direction meets the status of neutrality of our state based on the principles of peace-loving and goodwill.

At present time, the initiatives made by Turkmenistan on provision of energy security, development of transport and transit corridors and water diplomacy receive wide support of the world community. Recently, latest technologies and advanced practice are successfully used in all structures of fuel and energy complex of the country, which significantly strengthens the role of the industry in the accumulation of the potential of national economy, the Head of the State said.

Further, having noted the importance of the Programme of social and economic development of the country, the President highlighted the necessity of its implementation taking into account modern marketing relations as well as innovative technologies and scientific achievements.

Long-term programme of urban development of Ashgabat starts after opening of new residential estate in Choganly. Residential houses and other facilities would be built in this part of the capital, which would be another evidence of the development of national urban construction, another step in harmonic transformation of architectural image of the main city of the country.

Implementation of this architectural and urban construction project is to provide proper conditions for creative work, comfortable life and rest of the tenants of the estate, which has to become an exemplary in all relations. In this regard, the works in this place, the same like in other parts of the country, have to carried out with all responsibility and on integrated base, the President noted.

The Head of the State has also focused on the implementation of another big project related to the construction of modern settlement near Altyn Asyr Turkemn Lake.

As is known during recent working trip to this place, the President of Turkmenistan inspected the plan of works that have to be made in the centre of the Karakums. In this regard, it was mentioned that the settlement meeting the time requirement would be built in this place. It would also has livestock, land and fishery farms. All of these together with new life in Karakum Desert would support the improvement of the environment, appearance of environmentally friendly production facilities and working places.

The work in this direction is one of the priorities of socially oriented state policy, the Head of the State noted, having said that it is necessary to pay special attention to the application of scientific achievements, to use innovative technologies and modern world practice in in the implementation of planned activity. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that this work would correspond with home policy strategy of the state only taking into account these requirements.

Continuing the subject of construction, Turkmen leader noted that use of advanced technologies has to become the main condition in construction of new buildings of administrative centre of Ahal Velayat. In this regard, the Head of the State requested to hold under control the adherence to the plan of construction works and strict compliance with timeline and quality.

The best conditions for comfort living, work and rest of people have to be made in this place just like all around the country. Care of people has to be the priority, the Head of the State highlighted, having given number of specific assignments to relative officials.

It is necessary to make everything for achievement of exemplary level of new settlements, which would be built in Khalach, Kerky, Sayat and Charjew etraps of Lebap Velayat. Provision of deserved life level of the population is the most important time requirement, Turkmen leader has said.

The programme of construction of new settlements is aimed at the improvement of wellbeing of our people. That is why the works for construction of new residential complexes has to be based on innovative technologies, the Head of the State has noted.

Speaking that constriction of social and production facilities in all regions has to be carried out on high level, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered to organize coordinated work of all structures involved in the implementation of these projects. In this regard, important role of construction companies – the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, has been highlighted.

Harmonization of national architectural traditions and modern practice of construction of new facilities, provision of high quality of works are mandatory requirements, the Head of the State said, having also pointed out the importance to pay special attention to production of local construction materials and to their quality.

The Head of the State focused on the necessity of preparation of the proposals on construction of modern settlement in Dashoguz and Mary Velayats and gave number of specific instructions to relative officials in this regard.

In the end of the session, having noted that together with large-scale works in all branches of the economy, priority role is given to steadfast implementation of social projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in solution of set objectives to the participants of the session.