Ï The President of Turkmenistan receives the credentials of new Ambassador of Georgia

The President of Turkmenistan receives the credentials of new Ambassador of Georgia

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The President of Turkmenistan receives the credentials of new Ambassador of Georgia
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Turkmenistan Mamuka Murjikneli who presented his credentials to the Head of the State.

Having expressed the gratitude for spared time, the diplomat conveyed warm greetings to the Head of the State from President of Georgia Saolme Zurabishvili who addressed the wishes of wealth and prosperity to Turkmen people. Having confirmed the intent of his country to further strengthening of constructive dialog with Turkmenistan, Mamuka Murjikneli noted that bilateral cooperation received new specific content in modern age.

Having conveyed return greetings to high officials of Georgia, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the diplomat on the appointment to the responsible post and wished him success in his activity in development of traditional interstate relations. The Head of the State noted that neutral Turkmenistan is always open for fruitful cooperation with all interested foreign partners including Georgia, which with our country is connected by old friendship.

Continuing the meeting, the Head of the State and Georgian diplomat exchanged the opinions on the future of bilateral cooperation, it was mentioned that the agreements achieved in the last few years on high level put reliable foundation for bringing of Turkmen – Georgian partnership to new levels. Important role is given to the Intergovernmental Commission, which is to support the activation of productive contacts in different spheres including between business structures, in the implementation of available capabilities for intensification of trade and economic relations.

Transport sphere has been outlined as one of priority directions of interstate cooperation. Favourable geographic location of both states and similarity of the interests provide advantageous prepositions for efficient consolidation of efforts for creation of multimodal transit and transport corridors using the potential of Caspian and Black Sea regions. The project of Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport corridor Lapis Lazuli was brought as specific example in this matter. Implementation of these projects would open wide perspectives for interregional integration, would serve to the intensification of trade and economic cooperation in all Eurasian space. Energy sphere has also been named among current directions of the partnership.

At the same time, the importance of the partnership in humanitarian and cultural sphere, which has old practice of cooperation and capabilities for improvement, has been highlighted.

In the end of the meeting, having expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for active attention to the subjects of Turkmen – Georgian relations, the diplomat highlighted that it is a great honour for him to represent Georgia in neutral Turkmenistan. The Ambassador assured that from his side, he would comprehensively support steadfast development of interstate cooperation, improvement of traditional friendship relations between two countries and nations.