Ï New season of licorice root production starts in the bottom of the Amu Darya River

New season of licorice root production starts in the bottom of the Amu Darya River

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The specialists of the “Buyan” Turkmenabat agro-industrial complex, affiliated to the Ministry of Health Care and Medical Industry, started the licorice root production campaign. It is planned to surpass the results achieved last year.

In 2018, the “Buyan” Turkmenabat agro-industrial complex produced more than 16,600 tons of licorice root that allowed significantly exceeding the production plan. 645 tons of dried and 540 tons of thick licorice extract and over 2,700 tons of pressed root were produced in 2018. Most of these products were exported.

As is known, licorice, which is grown in Turkmenistan and contains a large number of valuable micro-elements, is considered one of the best in the world. Therefore, pressed root and semi-finished products manufactured from it are highly valued on the world market and are exported to the USA, Europe and Asia. The “Buyan” agro-industrial complex implements a number measures with the aim to improve the quality of products and modernize production based on innovative technologies.