Ï Another phase of election campaign is completed

Another phase of election campaign is completed

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Another phase of election campaign – the registration of the candidates to the deputies of the Mejlis, members of the People’s Council and Gengeshys instead of those who resigned, has been completed on March 5. The first two phases – the nomination and registration, which were held in strict compliance with existing legislation of the country and international standards, became to base for organization of true democratic elections.

Seven candidates have been nominated to the deputies of National Parliament, 11 candidates to the members of regional People’s Councils, 36 – to district and city People’s Councils and 227 to Gengeshys. Several candidates were nominated for each seat in all electoral districts.

Agricultural personnel, leaseholders, representatives of educational and cultural sphere, personnel of health protection and social security sphere, various branches of national economy like industry, construction, communication and other branches are among the candidates of the above-mentioned authorities. Many of the candidates represents political parties. Therefore, real participation of all institutes of civic society in solution of important issues of the state life is provided.

According to national legislation and standards of international law, all registered candidates have equal opportunities for meeting with electorate, during which the voters are introduced with professional and personal merits of the candidates, key aspects of their election programmes reflecting the intent for active participation in the implementation of the strategy of reforms and aimed at the prosperity of Turkmen society and state.

Participation of national observers will support the impartiality of election process. At present time, 284 observers have been registered from the Democratic Party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Agrarian Party, public organizations and groups of citizens.