Ï Urban construction trends and design ideas are in the publications of profile magazine

Urban construction trends and design ideas are in the publications of profile magazine

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A chance to look to the future of Turkmen urban construction, to creative laboratory of project planners and designers, where new ideas take visual shapes, is presented by the publication of Construction and Architecture magazine.

Few days ago, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on construction of new administrative centre of Ahal Velayat and several settlements in Lebap Velayat. Indeed, this is historical moment of the development of the regions of the country. One of the articles of the magazine, which is published by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, narrates about the work that forestalled this momentous decision.

The publication speaks of working trip of the Head of the State to Gyoktepe etrap, where the President inspected initial projects for creation of administrative centre of Ahal Velayat and plans of construction. Special attention has been paid to the recommendations for presented proposals. In particular, the concept of this large-scale social project has to meet ecological requirements, standards of seismic resistance of all buildings and modern comfort criteria.

The President noted that self-sufficiency of organization of living environment of urban space has to be the main principle in order for the population of administrative centre would be able to work, study, rest and go in for sports and creativity, use trade, entertainment and health improvement services.

The recommendation of the Head of the State for elaboration on the projects became the guide for specialists and responsible authorities. Now, the construction of administrative centre of Ahal Velayat starts in Gyoktepe etrap according to the General Plan, which would be prepared by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

Training of professional personnel, qualified young specialists and perspective of turkmen urban construction are revealed in article “Future of national architecture: Way to skills”.

Whether it is about the objectives of architecture on satisfaction of growing demands of people, improvement of efficiency of construction by industrialization and enhancement of management mechanism – all these requirements are equally related to the tutors of the universities, where tomorrow personnel of project institutes and workshops is educated.

Today, Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute train personnel in three directions – architecture, landscape design and urban construction and planning of living environment. More than three hundred students study at these faculties, which have six-year course of professional education.

The author of the publication noted on behalf of professors and tutors of the institute that they were following the fact that every velayat has to be provided with professional personnel, who on top of general education know local natural, historical and national features. Inspiring duty of the personnel of architectural education system is to grow not just ordinary constructors but architects who are able to serve to favourite work with all their talents and passion.

This is indicated by the illustrations of the articles, which show the works of the students of architectural and construction institute. The drawings of residential estates, separate buildings impress with the freshness of ideas, bold interpretation of foreign practice in combination with national style, original approaches to even typical objectives.

The “Science” section has the publication about application of new technologies in construction industry, methods developed by Scientific Research Institute of Seismic Construction, activity of specialists of the Institute for reduction of seismic reaction of buildings and facilities in complex soil conditions.

The magazine also introduce the readers with interesting works of the contest of the best works of construction art and urban design, which was held by the results of the exhibition in the gallery of the State Arts Academy. This event was organized by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture for stimulation of the intent to the growth and reveal of own potential to young specialists and students studying in profile directions, which is supported by the spirit of competitions. State project organizations and relative universities as well as professional art studio and individuals – the members of the Union of Architects of the country, were the participants of the exhibition.

The exposition has demonstrated successful implementation of urban construction policy of Turkmenistan and contribution of the architects to the implementation of the objectives for improvement of life level of the population, creation of necessary conditions for work and rest of people set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The exposition also allowed finding new trends in the development of architecture and construction in the country while the jury selected the best works and named twelve out of three hundred projects, which are distinguished by original thoughts and high performance skills.

The assessment was made on such criteria as thoughtfulness and boldness of constructive solution, economy, aesthetic expressiveness, availability of national specifics, innovative level of architectural idea. This is excellent that awarded works were created mainly by youth and recent graduates who are certified architects now.

Regular issue of the magazine also includes the publications about cooperation in the sphere of assessment seismic risk and provision of seismic safety, in particular under the cooperation of the Government of Turkmenistan with the United Nations Development Programme, about Turkmen – American project of protection and management of Big Gyzgala, which was carried out in Ancient Merv State Historical and Cultrual Reserve.

This unique monument of medieval architecture is more known as Big Kyz-Kala in foreign literature. It is worth reminding that in 2012, personnel of National department for protection, study and restoration of historical and cultural monuments prepared scientifically grounded projects of study and restoration of Big Gyzgala by the order of head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Photos of this bright architectural monument, which became the hallmark of the biggest in the country archaeological park, which is one of the facilities of the UNESCO World Heritage, let the readers see the result of many years of work of Turkmen specialists and their colleagues from Great Britain, Poland, France. The project was completed but it is necessary to work on improvement of tourist infrastructure in the Reserve, especially for protection of vulnerable row brick walls of unique monument.

The “Production” section speaks about the construction of the largest in the country gas processing facility built in Ovadandepe, Ahal Velayat.

The issue also present analytical review of the condition of construction industry of Turkmenistan, which is obvious indicator of economic growth of the country. this theme is continued in the publication dedicated to the role of businessmen and entrepreneurs in construction sector of national economy, which is increased due to comprehensive support of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Article “Ashgabat in the space of agglomeration” is worth of the readers’ attention. It reviews the plans for development of agglomeration economy of the capital and nearest etraps, urbanization of surrounding territory and formation of big megacity.

The article about the work of municipal services, which provide comprehensive life of our cities and towns, their attractive image, order and cleanness every day and every minute, will also raise the interest.

Every issue, the magazine continues developing professional dialog on the theme of quality of architectural education giving floor to experienced specialists and teachers. The author of the publication thinks of the importance of architectural fantasies for the formation of specific thinking. Undoubtedly, nowadays, all project production is developed using computer design and modelling software. It goes without saying, the future is in digital project planning. However, the idea is originated in the head of people and this relation cannot be broken while the architecture exists.

Construction and Architecture magazine, which is published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages, again pleased with number of interesting publications presented in expert mode from the professional audience and wide circle of readers point of view. The magazine became informative, rich and substantial as well as bright and excellent, which makes the reading not only educational and useful but also pleasant.