Ï Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children

Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children

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Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
Festive Celebrations in Honor of Mothers of Many Children
The Public Organizations Center has hosted a festivity to mark International Women’s Day. An award ceremony took place during the event for mothers of eight and more children, who were given the honorary title ‘Ene Mähri’ in accordance with a Presidential Decree. Today, mothers of many children were also presented keys to comfortable flats.

Event attendees highlighted that today women in Turkmen society take up senior posts in the government, state-run and public organizations, and work successfully in many sectors of the national economy, greatly contributing to the ongoing wide-ranging reforms.

Women of Turkmenistan, who are deeply grateful to the head of state for his constant care and considerable support, family wellbeing, opportunities to realize their potential in chosen professions and to raise children in the prosperous country, are well aware of dazzling prospects they have for modern-day education, comprehensive development, professional growth and happy life.

The head of state has identified mother and child health care and the importance of preserving family values as top priorities in the development strategy. Notable examples are practical steps taken to upgrade the national legislation in this field, successful implementation of mother and child programs, social support offered to large families, and others.

Those speaking at the event noted that protecting women’s rights and interests, guaranteeing state benefit payments, ensuring everything necessary for their dignified life and labor, expanding their role in the socio-political sphere are regarded as the key factors in the Turkmen society’s sustainable development.

Women were and remain one of the central characters in national art, a popular object of worship, the expression of attitudes towards the world around and a source of inspiration. In days gone by, Turkmen poets, prose writers, musicians and artists compared the unmatched beauty of women with celestial bodies, such as the Sun and the Moon, and with the divine perfection of charming flowers, and admired the depth of their attractive eyes. They left behind the fine tradition of showing the woman-mother great respect and cultivating a tender attitude towards sisters and fiancés, and wise beliefs and practices of holding women in great reverence and protecting them.

As the head of state emphasizes, our country will continue to make every effort to provide everything necessary for developing women’s abilities and talent. Large families (including their housing improvement) require special assistance and support from the state. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, a group of parents with large families became new tenants of spacious apartments in a residential building with a high standard of comfort and celebrated their new homes.

A traditional ceremony of awarding mothers of large families is one of the most impressive celebrations to mark the festive occasion. This year, in accordance with the Decree issued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, 200-plus women have been given the honorary title ‘Ene Mähri’.

On behalf of all women of Turkmenistan, the attendees extended their gratitude to the head of state for the progressive reforms, happy life and the opportunity to participate in multifaceted activities, as well as for tender care for younger generations and upholding high spiritual and moral values in society. Festivities took place countrywide on the eve of International Women’s Day. All over the country, women are now being offered congratulations and warm wishes for the spring holiday.

Ministries, agencies, institutions, organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership held ceremonies to present money gifts to female employees on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Without exception, all women, including students, schoolgirls and kindergarteners received the gifts in keeping with the tradition.