Ï The president of Turkmenistan congratulates fellow countrywomen on International Women Day

The president of Turkmenistan congratulates fellow countrywomen on International Women Day

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Let me extend my cordial congratulations on International Women Day! It is symbolical that this celebration is held in the first spring days, it is as bright and beautiful as spring itself, which please us with its colours inspiring for achievement of new levels, - the congratulation message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

In our country, International Women Day has special importance and is celebrated on the government level. These spring days, this international celebration is marked with huge inspiration and good mood. Celebration events have started in Ashgabat and all regions of the country. Concerts, contests, exhibitions, scientific conferences, seminars, sport competitions are organized on occasion of this bright spring holiday.

Respect of mother, love of woman, respect of their merits, ideals and outlook are our national rite, which origin goes deep to the centuries. Our women, the keeper of family hearth, work in different branches of the economy, occupy state posts and participate in the life of society while deservingly keeping the traditions and rites, improving and passing them from generation to generation. They multiply the power of the Motherland with their selfless work.

Our nation has a rich heritage. We have to honour the merits of women in protection, study, enrichment, popularization and passing of this heritage to the successors. Carpets and embroideries, which are unparalleled by beauty, striking by bright colours, made by women, melodious lullaby songs, which are deep in meaning, kushtdepdy dance – all of these, is our national heritage, - the message says.

The origin of our wins and success in deserving upbringing. Remembering the wisdom of the ancestors and guiding their sayings, we highly appreciate the merits of our dear women who raise deserving sons and daughters of the Motherland with good education, wide outlook, the patriots of the country, physically and morally fit and hardworking. We are proud of women who achieved great success not only in work but also in life.

We award the women with the Zenan kalby Order and other State awards for special merits in the implementation of large-scale changes, success in work and social life, input to the education of growing generation. We honour mothers with many children with the Ene mähri title.

Our country achieved significant results in protection of the rights and interest of women, support of family, maternity and childhood. This subjects are solved in collaboration with international organizations, especially with specialized structures of the United Nations. Election of our country to the Executive Board of the UN children Fund, Commission for Legal Status of Women was a historical even indicating high authority of our state in the world arena.

Turkmenistan will always take care of provision of women with peaceful, happy and wealthy life, conditions for their creative work and deserving rest, the message of the President highlights.