Ï Outcomes of two months of the year are summed up and objectives for near-term future are set at the session of the Government

Outcomes of two months of the year are summed up and objectives for near-term future are set at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for two months of the year have been summed up.

Forestalling the agenda of the session, the head of the State congratulated all women of the country on International Women Da, wished them strong health, longevity, family wealth, peaceful and happy life and huge success in work.

Coming over to the agenda, the Head of the state gave floor to deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the outcomes of development of national economy for January – February this year. It was informed that macroeconomic indicators of the period under review demonstrate stable dynamic in all branches of national economy.

In general, the production by all ministries and departments increased by 5.9 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. High indicators has been reached almost in all branches.

The volume of retail trade for two months is 19 percent higher comparing with the same period of 2018.

The revenue of the State budget of the country has been executed to the amount of 2.65 billion manats while the expenditure to the amount of 2.55 billion manats for January – February.

Comparing with the same period of the last year, salary wages in big facilities are 9.3 percetn higher.

The Vice-premier informed about the fulfilment of works provided by new edition of National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020.

Having noted that in general, macroeconomic indicators of the branches of national economy for two month of the year are satisfactory, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on current issues, for which solution proper measures have to be taken. Privatization of the state property and changing to joint stock ventures, development of security market are priority objectives, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted, having ordered to accelerate the work in these directions.

After, the President noted that new Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection has been granted with beneficial credit for solution of current objectives of the sphere and support of agricultural producers. Having signed relative Resolution and sent it by electronic document management system to Vice-premiers G. Myradov and E. Orazgeldiyev, the Head of the State requested to hold under control timely fulfilment of the assignments outlined in this document.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who reported on the outcomes of work of the facilities of fuel and energy complex for two months of 2019.

It was mentioned that the plan for oil and gas condensate production was fulfilled by 101.8 percent, natural and associated gas by 106.8 percent, oil refining by 110.5 percent, gasoline production by 102.8 percent, liquefied gas by 118.1 percent.

The Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to analyse again the efficiency of work of the State Concerns Türkmengaz and Türkmennebit as well as the State Concern Türkmengeologiýa and to present the proposal on its improvement.

The President requested to accelerate the development of investments allocated for modernization of production infrastructure and technical rearmament of oil and gas complex, diversification of supplies of national energy carriers to the world markets, construction of modern facilities producing various petrochemical goods required in and outside the country.

Having highlighted that social sphere is an important aspect of large-scale reforms in the country, the President ordered Vice-premier M. Meredov, who supervise Lebap velayat as Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, to take under special control the implementation of the projects of construction of new settlements, which would be built in Charjew, Sayat, Khalach and Kery etrap of this region as well as the construction of residential houses in Turkmenabat.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of organizations of construction and energy complexes as well as in the sphere of municipal services for the last two months.

The plan of production works made by the Hyakimlyk of Ashgabat for the period under review was fulfilled by 105.8 percent.

The production plan of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture for January – February was executed by 101.1 percent.

The plan of production, works and services of the Ministry of Energy was fulfilled by 113.3 percent.

Having listened to the report, the President noted the importance of rapid practical implementation of the activities outlined in the Resolution on new forms of salary payment in construction. The President noted that it is necessary to review the opportunity to organize business trips of specialists to foreign countries for study and exchange of practice in this sphere.

After, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. CHakiyev who reported in the outcomes of activity of the spheres under his su[ervision for January – February.

The plan of production and services of the ministries and departments of industrial and communication complexes was fulfilled by 111 percent in general.

The growth of production of the Ministry of Textile Industry has reached 140.2 percent.

The growth rate of production of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa has been observed in 106 percent level.

The indicator of the Ministry of Industry and Communication was equal to 109.7 percent.

The growth rate of works performed by Türkmensenagat Agency was 112.5 percent.

The same indicator of services presented by Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency was equal to 125.2 percent, Türkmendemirýollary Agency to 101.9 percent, Türkmenhowaýollary Agency to 116. 3 percent. The growth rate of works performed by Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency was 136.1 percent, by Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency – 104.7 percent.

It was also reported on the preparation to working trip of Turkmenistan delegation to Astana for participation in the tenth session of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Kazakh Commission for economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation.

Summing up the report, the President ordered to have a meeting with the management of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa ad to make clear plan, which is to provide the work of facilities in full volume.

At the same time, the President gave instruction related to further modernization of the facilities of industrial complex based on active implementation of advanced technologies.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the outcomes of work of trade sphere and private sector for the first two months of 2019.

Total growth of trade volume by the Ministry of trade and Foreign Economic Affairs was 35.9 comparing with the same period on the last year.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange held 42 trade sessions where 4,509 contracts has been registered.

The volume of services of the Trade and Industrial Chamber increased 2.3 times.

The volumes of industrial production by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has grown by 15.8 percent for January – February, agricultural and food production by 3.9 percent.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the work for handover of the state property to private sector receives greater scale in the country. therefore, numerous small and medium business facilities and entrepreneurship structures are established.

In this regard, many issues related to personnel provision of private sector and its financial support including granting of beneficial credits to entrepreneurs, release from taxation come up. All of these has to be reflected in existing legislation, Turkmen leader said, having given instructions t elaborate on the foundation of the institute for training of managers and specialists of first categories for market economy to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov and Vice-premier P. Agamyradov.

The Head of the State has also requested Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov to work together with the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on development of the programme of support of national entrepreneurs.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for January – February 2019 and noted that educational programmes and plans of 12-year school education, provisions of kindergartens and secondary schools are improved in the system of education; innovations are implemented to this sphere. The Concept of development of electronic education and the Concept of improvement of teaching of foreign languages in Turkmenistan are also steadily implemented.

According to the order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the measures for scientific study of ecology, flora and fauna of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake, scientific and practical works for development of livestock, farming, fishery, horticulture and growing of cucurbitaceous crops in this region were taken.

The reforms in the sphere of national health protection sphere are continued. The growth rate of volumes received from the State voluntary medical insurance was 149 percent, from sold production and health protection services – 115 percent and from sanatorium services - 125 percent.

Big work is carried out in the country for development of physical training and sport, Olympic movement, expansion of cooperation in this sphere. The proposals for organization of big competitions in Turkmenistan come regularly from international sport organizations, in particular, the opportunity of holding the World Cycling Track Championship in 2021, the World Sambo Championship, Asian Futsal Championship as well as Asian Beach Games in 2020 are studied.

The Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to take measures for acceleration of the reforms in educational, health protection and scientific systems taking into account the requirements of digitization of the economy. For these purposes, the President ordered to organize the trips of the heads of the institutes of the Academy of Sciences as well as other institutes for study of the experience, which have reached great success in this sphere, and gave instruction to present the proposal on this account as soon as possible.

Further, Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the outcomes of work in the spheres under her supervision from the beginning of the year.

Activities provided by the Programme of development of cultural sphere of Turkmenistan in2019 – 2025 were held in the period under review. Cultural personnel and specialists made working visits to UAE, Germany, Austria and Japan where they participated I international cultural and tourist forums and seminars.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the activation of work of the State Committee for Tourism for development of this sphere, attraction of bigger number of tourists to our country. Turkmenistan has not only historical and cultural monuments of the world significance but also unique natural attractions that have no analogues in the world. the beauties of Turkmen nature are attractive for travellers and we have all conditions for development of different types of tourism including ecological tourism, the Head of the State said, having given specific assignments to the Vice-premier.

Pointed out the necessity of innovative development of culture and mass media, Turkmen leader has focused on the implementation of digital technologies to their work.

After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on the outcomes of work in the branches under his supervision for the last two months.

In general, the growth rate of production, works and services was 107.6 percent by agricultural complex. This indicator of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection has reached 108 percent, the State Water Management Committee – 102.3 percent. The State Association Türkmen atlary – 105.2 percent. The plan of development of the investments was fulfilled by 142.4 percent.

The proposal prepared by the State Commission of velayats and Ashgabat on provision of land plots to the state facilities and departments for construction and other purposes as well as to the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for cultivation of agricultural crops and construction of production facilities have been presented to the Head of the State for review.

Having noted the importance of agricultural complex for national economy, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out the significance to improve and expand the measures for support of the agriculture, implementation of the projects of rapid development of plant production and livestock farming, comprehensive support of entrepreneurs working in this sphere. In general, all of these is to support the strengthening of food security and export potential of the country, steadfast replacement of imported goods with local products.

Having signed the Resolution on allocation of land plots to the state facilities and departments, members of the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs and sent it to the Vice-premier by the electronic document management system, the Head of the State gave number of specific instructions on this account.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to provide high organizational level of spring green community day on March 21.

In addition, the Head of the State gave relative assignments related to the activation of works for transition of agricultural complex of the country to digital system to the Vice-premier.

After, deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov made report on the outcomes of work of the ministry for the last two months in the context of the implementation of foreign strategy of Turkmenistan and fulfilment of the assignments of head of the State.

It was mentioned that official visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to our country took place in the period under review. The work for preparation of foreign visits of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and visits of the heads of foreign states to Turkmenistan is continued.

60 foreign delegations of different level have visited our country via the Foreign Ministry for the period under review. At the same time, 59 Turkmen delegations have been sent to foreign countries. 25 events including conferences, meetings, etc. aimed at further improvement of constructive cooperation with all interested foreign partners have been organized. 25 international documents have been signed this year.

Nine bilateral ministerial consultations took place. Regular sessions of the Interstate Turkmen – Korean Commission for trade, economic, scientific and technological cooperation, Turkmenistan – European Union Join Committee as well as Turkmen – German and Turkmen – Korean business forums were held.

The information about the outcomes of special meeting of the foreign ministers of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Romania on the project of creation of Caspian – Black Sea international transport corridor, which was held in Bucharest, was presented under the report. The agenda of the meeting included the subjects related to the increment of cargo traffic via Turkmenbashy, Baku, Poti, Batumi and Constanta ports and political, economic, logistic and other relative terms have been discussed.

The delegation of our country prepared the proposals on the measures necessary for practical implementation of this project. According to the Bucharest Declaration adopted by the outcomes of the meeting, it was proposed to continue talks in these directions, in particular to establish working committee on the expert level for study of all technical issues.

In addition, it was proposed to accelerate the work for development of the draft document on the foundation of Coordination committee for development of transport corridors by involvement of seaports as well as for development of preliminary technical and economic specification scientific and practical confirmation of high efficiency of the above-mentioned transport corridor.

According to the Protocol of four –side expert meeting in Ashgabat in 2018, it is proposed to study the opportunity of the first test cargo transportation by this route this year. The proposal on attraction of representatives of private sector of the countries participating in the project and other states expressing interest in this project has been made.

It was informed that Turkmen – Georgian foreign ministry consultations took place in Bucharest by the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The meeting resulted in signing of the Programme of Cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of two countries in 2019 - 2020. Subjects of cooperation under international organizations and structures have been reviewed during Turkmen – Romanian consultations. The meeting with the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan where the aspects of implementation of the agreements achieved during the official visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in November 2018 has also taken place.

Having highlighted that our country would continue versatile fruitful partnership both in bilateral and multilateral formats, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister to continue systematic work for implementation of existing significant potential of cooperation.

Having focused on the importance to promotion of international initiatives of our country including those related to steadfast implementation of major infrastructural projects in energy, transport and communication sector, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan would continue providing comprehensive support for activation of positive processes in regional and global scale, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals for provision of common wealth and progress.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier, the Head of the Foreign Ministry reported on the preparation to working trip of Turkmenistan delegation to Islamabad (the Islamic Republic of Pakistan) on March 11 – 13.

It was mentioned that Turkmen – Pakistani cooperation is successfully developed in political, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres after the establishment of diplomatic relations between two countries in May 1992. As for today, 55 bilateral documents, which strengthen traditional friendly interstate dialog, have been signed.

At the same time, special importance is given to high-level contacts, which is visually indicated by regular character of high-level meetings. Cooperation of the Government level and between foreign departments has systematic character as well.

Turkmenistan and Pakistan successfully cooperate under competent international organizations and structures, especially under the UN< the Islamic cooperation Organization, the Economic cooperation Organization and Non-alignment Movement where the countries provide support to each other.

It is planned to hold political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of two countries as well as number of bilateral meetings for improvement and development of interstate partnership during coming trip to Islamabad. Issues related to activation of work for the implementation of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line and to the agenda of regular session of relative Management Committee in Ashgabat on March 27 will be the subjects of detailed discussion.

Current aspects of cooperation in power energy and telecommunication spheres including the implementation of projects of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power and fibre optic lines will also be reviewed.

Transport sector was outlined as one of priority directions of the partnership. In this context, it is planned to discuss the issues of establishment of transport corridor with involvement of the capabilities of entry to Europe via Caspian Sea using transit potential of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan. It was also mentioned that Pakistan side expressed the wish to join Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan – Iran – Oman and Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport and transit corridors.

Having stated with delight high level of and constructive character of Turkmen – Pakistani relations, the President highlighted that Pakistan has always supported peaceful policy and international initiatives of our country. This is brightly indicated by the fact that it was Islamabad where the first President of Turkmenistan has voiced the proposal on the intent of our country to follow the course of positive neutrality at the session of the Economic Cooperation Organization. Pakistan was one of the first who supported this idea but also was one of the co-sponsors of relative Resolution of the United Nations Organization adopted in 1995.

Recently, Turkmen – Pakistani cooperation has entered new levels. Wide capabilities are available these days for further activation of beneficial partnership meeting the interests of both countries and the goals of the wealth in entire region. Significant regulatory and laegal framework on interstate relations as well as bilateral agreements achieved by the outcomes of regular meetings on high level are solid foundation for dynamic development of interstate relations.

The President made special mention on the implementation of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line (TAPI) and construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power and fibre optic lines (TAP).

Together with energy sphere, transport sector, consolidation of efforts for formation of transit and transport corridors of regional and international importance are perspective directions of cooperation taking into account favourable geographic location of both countries.

Having singed the Resolution on the trip of Turkmenistan delegation to the capital of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent it to the Vice-premier by the electronic document management system, having given number of relative assignments.

After, addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the state noted that outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for two month of the year indicate that our country continue following the way of stable development.

The growth rate of the GDP is held on high 6.2 percent level. The growth rate of agriculture was 3.1 percent, trade – 10.7 percent, transport and communication branch – 10 percent, service sphere – 8.2 percent.

Large-scale construction of different facilities to total amount of more than 35 billion Us dollars is expanded in the country at present. Majority of these projects are new social and living facilities.

Adopted programme of increment of supplies of local production to foreign countries also gives the results. Therefore, comparing with the same period of the last year, the volumes of export have grown by 20 percent, the President said.

At the same time, number of issues remained unsolved and as it has been already mentioned the work for digitization of the economy goes very slow. In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan ordered Vice-premiers P. Agamyradov and M. Chakiyev to accelerate the connection to the Internet of secondary and high educational institutes of the country, to promote the advantages of transit of the population to this system under the transit of national economy to digital system. It is also necessary to explain the importance of using of new technologies, implementation of information technologies in the velayats.

Addressing the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, especially to those who are responsible for the velayats, the Head of the state pointed out that they have to hold these subjects under permanent control together with hyakims.

Having stated that the outcomes of last two months was reviewed at the session and number of documents aimed at further development of the branches of national economy has been adopted, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that the results of activity of the members of the Government and other leaders have to be reviewed as the session of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of the first quarter of the year.

The Head of the State also ordered the members of the Cabinet of Ministers to hold the sessions in the ministries and departments under their supervision on March 9 dedicated to the discussion of the work in January – February.

Vice-premier P. Agamyradov was requested to discuss the issues of preparation of Turkmenistan national team to the participation in the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 on March 10.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President wished strong health, family wealth and great success in work to the participants of the session.