Ï The State organizations and facilities as well as members of the UIET receive land plots

The State organizations and facilities as well as members of the UIET receive land plots

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According to the Land Code of Turkmenistan and the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan on Regulation of Land Relations in Turkmenistan from March 18, 2016, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution, having assigned to allocate land plots to the state organizations, facilities and members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

According to the document, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection and the hyakimlyks of Ahal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap, Mary Velayats and Ashgabat were ordered to register the allocation of the land plots in set order.

In this regard, the Head of the State noted at the session of the Government on March 7 the importance of agricultural complex for national economy and pointed out the significance of systematic improvement and expansion of measures of support of agriculture, implementation of the projects of rapid development of plants cultivation and livestock farming, comprehensive support of the entrepreneurs working in this sphere. In general, all of these is to support the strengthening of food safety and export potential of the country, steadfast replacement of imported food production with local goods.