Ï Turkmenistan Foreign Minister meets with Georgian and Azeri colleagues in Bucharest

Turkmenistan Foreign Minister meets with Georgian and Azeri colleagues in Bucharest

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Special meeting of the foreign ministers of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Romania on the project of creation of Caspian – Black Sea international transport corridor took place in Bucharest. The agenda of the meeting included the subjects related to the increment of cargo traffic via Turkmenbashy, Baku, Poti, Batumi and Constanta ports. In this context, political, economic, logistic and other relative terms have been discussed.

The delegation of our country prepared the proposals on the measures necessary for practical implementation of this project. According to the Bucharest Declaration adopted by the outcomes of the meeting. It was proposed to continue talks in these directions, in particular to establish working committee on the expert level for study of all technical issues.

In addition, it was proposed to accelerate the work for development of the draft document on the foundation of Coordination committee for development of transport corridors by involvement of seaports as well as for development of preliminary technical and economic specification scientific and practical confirmation of high efficiency of the above-mentioned transport corridor.

According to the Protocol of four –side expert meeting in Ashgabat in 2018, it is proposed to study the opportunity of the first test cargo transportation by this route this year. The proposal on attraction of representatives of private sector of the countries participating in the project and other states expressing interest in this project has been made.

Turkmen – Georgian foreign ministry consultations took place in Bucharest on March 3. The meeting resulted in signing of the Programme of Cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of two countries in 2019 - 2020. Subjects of cooperation under international organizations and structures have been reviewed during Turkmen – Romanian consultations. The meeting with the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan where the aspects of implementation of the agreements achieved during the official visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in November 2018 has also taken place.