Ï Leading vocalists and dance ensembles dedicate their performance to women

Leading vocalists and dance ensembles dedicate their performance to women

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Leading vocalists and dance ensembles dedicate their performance to women
Leading vocalists and dance ensembles dedicate their performance to women
Leading vocalists and dance ensembles dedicate their performance to women
Leading vocalists and dance ensembles dedicate their performance to women
Leading vocalists and dance ensembles dedicate their performance to women
Leading vocalists and dance ensembles dedicate their performance to women
Gala concert of the art masters of the country was held in honour of International Women Day in the celebration hall of the Trade and Industrial Chamber.

Women have left significant trace in the national history and continue making significant contribution to building of new life, always feeling comprehensive support of the state and society. participation of women in taking of important state and political measures, solution of responsible subjects and serious issues in Turkmenistan became one of important factors of stable development of healthy and comprehensive society of social justice and equal rights.

The Women Union of Turkmenistan, which is an active participant in the implementation of all reforms, is one of the biggest organizations of the country uniting thousands of Turkmen women who take an active part in all grandiose deeds and beginnings.

It is not for nothing that women are called as the best half of humankind due to the fact that their spiritual generosity makes the surrounding world perfect and humane, bring harmony and comfort. They have an important role in spiritual and moral education of growing generation, strengthening of sacred family traditions that were formed up for the centuries, keeping the succession in handing over the best merits and principles to our children.

Maternity and upbringing of children are sacred mission of woman. Honouring ceremonies of mothers with many children who were awarded with honoured title of Ene Myahri according to the Order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is the expression of cordial gratitude for their significant contribution to the destiny of Turkmen nation and to the upbringing of deserving generation. The keys from comfortable apartments was presented to the families with many children.

Award ceremonies of monetary prizes to women on behalf of the Head of the State were held in all ministries, departments and structural divisions, organizations, institutes and facilities of all forms of the ownership on the threshold of International Women Day.

Cordiality of numerous congratulations and artistic dedications were felt comprehensively by women spectators of the concert, which celebration programme included performances of famous singers and dance ensembles.

Literature and music composition performed by students of Turkmen State Institute of Culture, National Conservatory, children art collectives and artists of the theatres of the capital were an excellent overture of celebration programme.

The ‘Arzuvym” song (My Dream), which lyrics was written by President Gurbanguly Beerdimuhamedov and music by his grandson Kerimguly Berdimuhamedov, was an excellent present for the public. It was demonstrated on big monitors, having given the pleasure to women and girls with its modern style, beautiful tune and heartfelt words, which were indicated by loud applauses.

Popular singers performing modern lyrical songs about women and for women showed their talents in honour of women. Both new and old songs, which are liked by the public, have been performed.

Heartfelt words and beautiful voices and music were a kind of the anthem song to women giving pleasant emotions and high feelings to the audience.

The audience welcomed each performance of big concert, which embodied the variety of colours of Turkmen spring, with loud applauses.

Congratulations and good wishes to our fellow countrywomen, to which exhibitions, contests, different meetings and other events, were sounded all around the country on this day. Celebration programmes in honour of International Women Day were held at the best stages and concert halls of the capital and all velayats of the country.

Excellent picture was made from the kaleidoscope of the celebration, which turned into happy smiles of women of independent Turkmenistan.