Ï Delegation of the higher education institutions of Turkmenistan visits China

Delegation of the higher education institutions of Turkmenistan visits China

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In accordance with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, the delegation of the representatives of the State Financial Institute and the State Institute for Economics and Management visited China to study experience.

With the assistance of the Embassy of our country in the People’s Republic of China, the pro-rectors of the institutes of Turkmenistan held meetings with the heads of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, the University of International Business and Economics, the Shanghai Stock Exchange as well as consulting business companies.

The presentation on the first Caspian Sea Economic Forum, prepared by the diplomatic mission of our country, took place in the framework of the visit to the University of International Business and Economics. The detailed information on the key aspects of the transport and water diplomacy, the energy strategy of Turkmenistan as well as the Concept on the development of digital economy was presented.

President of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Professor Wang Jiaqiong, Vice Director of the UIBE Department for International Cooperation, Li Xiaomeng, Vide Director of the Department of International Relations, Huo Yuan, Vice Dean of the Finance Department, Professor Fan Yanhui, Admission Board Director and Vice Dean of the School of International Education, Du Peiyuan attended the meeting.

Ambassador of Turkmenistan to the People’s Republic of China, Parahat Durdyev, pro-rector of the State Institute for Economics and Management, Orazgeldy Ataev, pro-rector and teacher at the State Financial Institute, Gulbesher Babayev and Tahir Shallyev as well as Second Secretary of the Embassy of Turkmenistan to the People’s Republic of China represented our n at the meeting.

The meeting participants focused on the positive dynamics of the multi-format cooperation between Turkmenistan and China. Particular attention was paid to the enhancement of the dialogue in the science and educational sphere.

Professor Wang Jiaqiong told about the activities of the university – a leading higher education institution in China in the sphere of economics, finance, international business and foreign languages.

UIBE ranks among the top Chinese universities, the share of foreign students is 20% of the total number of students. These are representatives of 161 countries studying at the university. About 50 young Turkmen citizens receive higher education there. In this context, the meeting participants exchanged their views on the possibilities to expand cooperation between the specialized universities of the two countries. Rector, Professor Wang Jiaqiong expressed the willingness to develop partnership with Turkmen colleagues, including in the framework of educational and scholarship programmes.

The Ambassador of our country presented the book by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road” as a memorable souvenir to the university. The delegation of our country met with Turkmen students studying at the university.