Ï Draft Agreement on Cooperation in search and rescue works in Caspian Sea is discussed in Ashgabat

Draft Agreement on Cooperation in search and rescue works in Caspian Sea is discussed in Ashgabat

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The first session of authorised representatives of Caspian states on discussion and coordination of the Agreement between the Governments of Caspian States on Cooperation in Search and Rescue Works in Caspian Sea has started in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

The event has been organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Department of Caspian Sea Affairs under the President of Turkmenistan at the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Working discussion of the draft Agreement and introduction of proposals to the text have started on the first day of the session with the participation of the experts from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Iran.

At the III Caspian Summit in Baku (the Republic of Azerbaijan) in November 2010, the Head of Turkmenistan proposed an initiative on the development of five-side agreement on prevention of emergencies in Caspian Sea. This Agreement, the work on which has been completed by the IV Caspian Summit, was signed in September 2014 in Astrakhan (Russian Federation).

The heads of Caspian states have noted in joint Communique of the Astrakhan Summit that the Agreement on Cooperation in Prevention and Response of Emergencies in Caspian Sea would support close cooperation between relative competent authorities based on achieved agreements and taking into account international experience including the creation of efficient mechanism of emergency response.

Speaking at the Summit in Aktau (the Republic of Kazakhstan) on August 12, 2019, the President of Turkmenistan noted that the Communique of the IV Caspian Summit provides the development of the mechanism of emergency response, taking into account the fact that the most part of Caspian sea is common water space, further work in this direction is required.

The response mechanism is also an important component in search and rescue works at sea, in this regard, the development of five-side Agreement on search and rescue works in Caspian Sea gains special appropriateness.

According to the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Turkmen specialists have developed the Draft Agreement between the Governments of Caspian Sea on Cooperation in Search and Rescue Works in Caspian Sea, which was submitted to relative organization of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation.

It is worth mentioning that Turkmen capital is asserted as the centre of international meetings and forums where current issues of political, economic and cultural life including the Caspian issues are discussed.

For example, recently on February 28 – March 1, Ashgabat hosted the V Session of Authorized Representatives of Caspian Sea on discussion of the Draft Protocol on Cooperation in Safety of Navigation in Caspian Sea to the Agreement on Cooperation in Safety in Caspian Sea.

Application of international documents on provision of safety of navigation including the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) International Convention has been reviewed during the work on this Protocol and its appendices.

Current session of authorized representatives of Caspian states on the Draft Agreement between the Governments of Caspian States on Cooperation in Search and Rescue works in Caspian Sea will last for three days and be accomplished on March 13.