Ï Fernando Valderrama Pareja is accredited as the Ambassador of Spain to Turkmenistan

Fernando Valderrama Pareja is accredited as the Ambassador of Spain to Turkmenistan

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By the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan G. Mammedova received the credentials of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the kingdom of Spain to Turkmenistan Fernando Valderrama Pareja.

On behalf of the Head of the State, the Speaker of National Parliament congratulated Mr Pareja on the appointment to important dimlomatic post, having wished him success in the work for activation to Turkmen – Spanish cooperation.

Having expressed the gratitude for good words, the Ambassador in his turn conveyed the greetings and best wishes of the heads of his country to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all Turkmen people. Spanish diplomat highlighted that it is an honour for him to have this mission in the state that gained the reputation of a peacemaker and that he would put all efforts for successful promotion of Turkmen – Spanish dialog.

During the conversation Fernando Valderrama Pareja was informed about the main vectors of home policy of Turkmenistan and reform processes.

Importance of the activation of interstate dialog both in bilateral format as well as under the cooperation with competent international organizations, especially under the UN and European Union, has been mentioned at the meeting.

Having expressed keen interest to large-scale achievements of Turkmenistan, the diplomat expressed the confidence in steadfast development of interstate relations. Transport, water management and energy, tourism as well as scientific and educational spheres have been outlined among priority directions. The importance of development of Inter-Parliamentary partnership has been highlighted.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Spain has also been received in the Foreign Ministry where expansion of bilateral partnership was the subject of interested exchange of the visions.