Ï Representatives of the littoral Caspian states discuss the Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of scientific research

Representatives of the littoral Caspian states discuss the Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of scientific research

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosts the First session of the authorized representatives of the littoral Caspian states to agree on the draft of the Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of scientific research in the Caspian Sea between the governments of the littoral Caspian states.

On the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the meeting was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and the State Enterprise on the Caspian Sea under the President of Turkmenistan.

The experts from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan dedicated the first day of the session to the conceptual discussion and amendments to the Agreement.

Speaking during the V Caspian Summit in Aktau on August 12, the President of Turkmenistan noted:

“Today, the economic activity on the Caspian Sea requires the strict scientific basis. It should be supported by the perceptual unity of the natural and anthropogenic processes, the systems of monitoring and forecasting. In this regard, it seems appropriate to draft the pentalateral Agreement on scientific research in the Caspian Sea”.

In accordance with this initiative, put forward by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the specialists of Turkmenistan drafted the Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of scientific research in the Caspian Sea and forwarded the draft to the expert organizations in Azerbaijan, Iran, the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.