Ï The King of Bahrein to make state visit to Turkmenistan

The King of Bahrein to make state visit to Turkmenistan

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At the session of the Government on March 15, Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov informed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the state visit of the King of Bahrein Hamad Ibn Isa Al Khalifa to Turkmenistan on March 17 – 19. It was noted that diplomatic relations between two countries were established in December 1995. In February 2011, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has paid an official visit to the Kingdom of Bahrein, which resulted in signing of number of documents, which put the foundation for further fruitful cooperation. The contacts on the Government level and between foreign departments of the countries also support the development of bilateral partnership.

Turkmenistan and Bahrein traditionally work in multilateral format under international organizations including the Islamic Cooperation Organization. The Kingdom of Bahrein supports constructive initiatives of the President of our country.

Relative work is carried out for the implementation of bilateral projects in investment and banking spheres, petroleum and chemical industries, for improvement of trade and economic relations, stimulation of cultural and humanitarian contacts.

It is planned to sign a number of documents, which are to strengthen legal and regulatory base of interstate relations and to give them new impulse, by the outcomes of the visit.

Having highlighted that development of beneficial cooperation with the Middle East countries is an important direction of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the significance of coming high-level talks for activation of the partnership between Turkmenistan and Bahrein.

Great opportunities are opened for increment and diversification of productive cooperation, implementation of joint projects in different spheres, the Head of the State said. Wide perspectives of cooperation in different spheres are provided by large-scale reforms in economic complex and social sphere, plans for industrialization and favourable investment climate in Turkmen market. Great attention is paid to humanitarian contacts as well.

In this context, the Head of the State gave number of relative assignments to the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister for provision of high organizational level of the state visit of the King of Bahrein to Turkmenistan.