Ï Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex and Seydi Refinery: innovations, competiveness and export orientation

Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex and Seydi Refinery: innovations, competiveness and export orientation

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Conceptual Strategy of development of Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex and Seydi Refinery is under elaboration. The Head of the State was informed about the work on the Concept by Vice-premier M. Meredov at the session of the Government on March 15.

The document will detail the capabilities of both refineries and outline perspective directions of further development as well as optimum variety of petroleum products, which are on high demands in the world markets, which can be produced at the facilities of the refineries. Proposals on improvement of competiveness of production, establishment of environmentally friendly facilities will also be prepared.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the importance of steadfast improvement of production and export potential of the facilities of petrochemical industry.

The Head of the State ordered to provide an integrated approach to the elaboration of the strategy of development of Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex including comprehensive economic analysis of new projects, schedules of their gradual implementation, capacity of technological and auxiliary installations, which are to introduced to production lines of the complex, possible sources of investments, logistics, long-term forecasts of demands of petrochemical products at regional and European market.

Relative orders have also been given to the Vice-premier regarding the diversification of raw material supply to Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex including from foreign countries and use of innovative technologies during development of new projects.