Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates business community on the 11th anniversary of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates business community on the 11th anniversary of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

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Efficient measures for modernization of economic and social policy in the context of objectives for activation of market relations are taken in the year under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”. Great success has been achieved in the implementation of major reforms, social and economic development of the country. huge work for support of non-governmental sector of the economy is carried out, - the congratulation message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Optimum legal, economic, financial and social conditions have been created in the country for development of small, medium business and private initiatives today. Entrepreneurs make significant input to the improvement of economic power of the country. the volumes of import substitutive and export oriented production are growing.

The Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 places great importance of the partnership between the Government and private sector, wide implementation of efficient management methods, involvement of the capabilities, which are provided by huge natural resources of the country and geographical political potential, that have never been used and on active attraction of entrepreneurs to this process.

At present, cooperation of the government and private sectors is important at present time in the context of market relations and according to the Programme of development of private business in the country. The Concept of development of digital economy in 2019 – 2025 also provides the development of the entrepreneurship.

With the government support, entrepreneurs carry out colossal work in different spheres of the economy today. They take an active part in international tenders, has their own bank, build new facilities not only in our but in foreign countries as well. Turkmen businessmen open the offices in Austria, China, United Arab Emirates. The scale of their work makes us to be proud, - the message highlights.

Entrepreneurs efficiently work in different spheres of national economy, build and open modern residential houses, schools, kindergartens, sport complexes and number of other social facilities in all velayats.

Development of the entrepreneurship is in full compliance with the legislation and the interests of the state and nation. Great role in this issue is given to public organizations, in particular to the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

New laws are taken and existing legal acts are systematically improved. These acts are aimed at the improvement of efficiency of the branches in conditions of market economy, their active integration to the world economic space, support of the entrepreneurship initiatives of the citizens, stimulation of investment activity, privatization of the state property and re-organization of such property to joint stock ventures.

Development of the entrepreneurship, increment of export volume of production, expansion of foreign economic relations with all interested partners are priority vectors of national economy, - the message of the President says.