Ï One-on-one talks between Turkmenistan and Bahrain

One-on-one talks between Turkmenistan and Bahrain

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The leaders of Turkmenistan and Bahrain held one-on-one talks in Ashgabat. Greeting the distinguished guest and thanking him for accepting the invitation to visit our country, the President of Turkmenistan noted that the diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and Bahrain had successfully developed since 1995. The President of Turkmenistan underlined that our countries efficiently cooperated in the bilateral and multilateral formats and expressed gratitude to the high guest for the support of Turkmenistan’s initiatives in international organizations.

It was also emphasized that good contacts had been established in the trade and economic sphere and there were wide opportunities for their extension and promotion. The cultural and humanitarian dialogue that is based on the close traditions of the two peoples stands as an integral part of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Bahrain.

Expressing gratitude for the cordial welcome, King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa noted that Bahrain paid particular attention to intensify the dialogue with Turkmenistan, underlining the importance of the current talks that lay the foundation for diversifying the interstate cooperation.

The King underlined that the trust to each other and the common goals of cooperation played a crucial role in developing the relations between the two countries. In this context it was emphasized the fruitfulness of the visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Bahrain in February, 2011 that offered a powerful impetus to cooperation in such spheres as health care, science, education, infrastructural development. King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa invited President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to visit Bahrain.