Ï Cultural and humanitarian sphere in the focus of the top-level talks between Turkmenistan and Bahrain

Cultural and humanitarian sphere in the focus of the top-level talks between Turkmenistan and Bahrain

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa paid particular attention to the cultural and humanitarian relations.

Strengthening the joint work in the spheres of science, culture and arts was specified as a fundamental factor of mutual enrichment and rapprochement of the two peoples as well as strengthening of friendly ties.

Turkmenistan and Bahrain have ancient traditions and rich historical heritage. The parties called for the interaction in this sphere and supported the idea to organize the Days of Culture of the both countries, exhibitions, festivals and other cultural events.

Cooperation in the sphere of sports was also specified among the important areas of partnership. The athletes from Bahrain successfully participated in the V Indoor and Martial Arts Games held in Turkmenistan in September, 2017. They won two gold and one bronze medals. The games offered a powerful incentive for the further development of contacts in the sphere of sports.

Particular attention was paid to the horse breeding as the peoples of the two countries significantly contributed to the development of this industry, stood at its origins. At present, this area of cooperation between the two states develops successfully. The Turkmen Atlary State Association has established good working relations with the Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation.

The parties reaffirmed the commitment to continue the work in this sphere.

It was also underlined the importance of direct contacts between the higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and Bahrain that will enrich the bilateral relations and strengthen their foundations for the future.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that the first official visit of His Majesty Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to Turkmenistan would strengthen the friendly fraternal relations between our countries as well as promote the development of the mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation, the cultural and humanitarian relations that satisfy the interests of the two states and significantly contribute to ensuring the peace, sustainable development and security.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized that the relations between our states had a positive effect on the development of the trade and economic, transport and transit cooperation between the regions of the Central Asia and the Middle East and created all necessary conditions for the implementation of large infrastructural projects. The Turkmen leader expressed sincere gratitude to His Majesty and all members of the delegation of Bahrain for the fruitful talks and the willingness to strengthen the friendship and cooperation.