Ï Vectors of development of Turkmen – Bahrain dialog are defined in Ashgabat

Vectors of development of Turkmen – Bahrain dialog are defined in Ashgabat

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The capital hosted the talks between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa, who arrived in our country on the state visit.

Current visit of the heads of friendly states is a visual indication of the intent of the sides to bring international dialog to new level, to add new dynamics and content to it taking into account modern realities and existing potential.

Development of constructive relations with Middle East countries is one of important vectors of foreign strategy of neutral Turkmenistan, which takes an initiative position in expansion of regional and international cooperation meeting common interests. Favourable opportunities for activation of cooperation with the Kingdom of Bahrain as with perspective long term partner are opened in this aspect.

It is remarkable that Turkmen – Bahrain business forum, for participation in which representative delegation of Bahrain has come to Turkmenistan, took place on the threshold of high-level talks in Ashgabat. Number of documents aimed at the establishment of efficient bilateral relations has been signed by the outcomes of the forum. Meetings and negotiations on different directions of cooperation between profile ministries and departments of two countries have also taken place on the fields of business forum.

In the morning, the high-rank guest proceeded to the Oguzkhan Presidential Palace Complex escorted by motorcycle guard of honour. At the central entrance, the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa was welcomed by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Having shaken hands, the leaders of two countries went to the Oguzkhan Hall where official reception ceremony of high-rank guest has taken place.

After ceremonial report of the Commander of the Guard of Honour and playing of National anthems of two countries, President of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa walked along the line of soldiers. Members of official delegation of Turkmenistan have been introduced to the Head of Bahrain. High-rank guest has also met the leaders of diplomatic corps accredited in our country. Members of the Government delegation of the kingdom of Bahrain were introduced to the President of Turkmenistan.

After official photographying ceremony on the background of the State Flags of Turkmenistan and the Kingdom of Bahrain, the leaders of two countries went to the bilateral meeting hall where high-level talks in one-on-one format have been held.

Greeting high-rank guest in Turkmen land and having expressed his gratitude for accepted invitation to visit our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that he is glad to see the King. The Head of the State noted that the first high government level visit of the King of Bahrain to Turkmenistan is considered as an important stage allowing to enrich the content of bilateral relations and to bring them to new levels.

Development of the partnership with Middle East countries is one of priority directions of foreign policy of Turkmenistan. Turkmen – Bahrain cooperation is an example of the dialog based on the principles of friendship, trust, respect and equal rights.

From the day of the establishment of diplomatic relations between two countries in 1995, the collaboration between the states is improved and consolidated in different directions. The 25th anniversary of diplomatic relation will be marked next year and events dedicated to this remarkable date will serve to bringing of traditional dialog to new higher level.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan and the Kingdom of Bahrain cooperate on constructive base in bilateral and multilateral formats under United Nations Organization and other competent structures demonstrating similarity or proximity of positions in current aspects of international politics, subjects of provision of peace, security and sustainable development.

Having expressed sincere gratitude for the invitation to visit our country and warm cordial welcome, King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa highlighted that interstate relations have steadfast trustful character. Turkmen – Bahrain cooperation have very good perspectives. The high-rank guest said that they still remember the visit of Turkmen leader, which became true stimulus for activation of efficient cooperation in different spheres, in particular in such as science and education, health protection, infrastructure and other areas.

Continuing the meeting, which was held in trustful, business-like atmosphere, key directions of Turkmen – Bahraini partnership have been specified and mutual intent of the sides to activation of the cooperation in all spectrum has been confirmed. Having focused on priority subjects of cooperation in trade and economic sphere, the leaders of two countries also spoke for stimulation of the relations in humanitarian and cultural field.

The sides exchanged the vision on number of current issues of regional and global agenda that presents mutual interest, having highlighted the commitment of Turkmenistan and the Kingdom of Bahrain to established constructive cooperation under competent international organizations and structures.

Having stated with delight fruitful character of current talks and their orientation to the achievement of specific results, the heads of Turkmenistan and Bahrain expressed the confidence that significant potential of Turkmen – Bahrein cooperation would receive practical implementation in near future.

After, the talks were continued in extended format with the participation of the members of official delegations of two countries.

Addressing high-rank guest and members of his delegation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the first state visit of the King of Bahrain to Turkmenistan is an important event in the history of two countries and nations and big hopes are related to it.

Having outlined that cooperation in foreign policy sphere between Turkmenistan and the Kingdom of Bahrain is one of key aspects of the talks, the Head of the State highlighted with delight that our countries traditionally show the understanding demonstrating proximity of the visions and the assessment of the capabilities of bilateral relations as well as the collaboration in current issues of international life and modern global politics. First, this is related to sustainable development and security in the world, Central Asia and Middle East.

In this context, Turkmenistan and the King of Bahrain declared about the willingness to further partnership relations under international organization, especially under the UN and ICO.

Turkmenistan and the Kingdom of Bahrain are dynamically developing states that have natural resources and favourable geographic location. It gives huge opportunities for comprehensive and beneficial partnership in trade and economic sphere, which have to be implemented with maximum output, for which relative long-term regulatory and legal framework and actual bilateral mechanisms are required. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is time solve the subject on the establishment of Turkmen – Bahraina Intergovernmental Commission for economic cooperation.

Availability of fuel, energy and processing facilities of both countries, beneficial geographic location will serve as a good platform for exchange of practice and its efficient use. At the same time, the conditions for establishment of cooperation during implementation of major projects of delivery of energy resources to international markets will be made.

Continuing the subject and having noted that as is known, the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India main gas line is continued at high rates, the Head of the State invited Bahraini companies to take part in the implementation of this perspective project.

Having outlined such branches as agriculture, communication, processing and chemical industry among priority directions of cooperation, the Head of the State also proposed to review the subject of export of Turkmenistan’s textile industry production, which has number of modern facilities producing of goods meeting international standards, to Bahrain. These production complexes make full cycle of works starting from raw material processing to production of high quality goods, which are exported successfully to the world markets.

Banking sphere and urban construction are important directions of perspective cooperation. Our country has an experience in the sphere of agricultural production processing and in food industry.

Leading role is given to private investors and entrepreneurship structures of two countries in trade and economic partnership and in improvement of investment activity. Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov suggested to think about the foundation of permanent Turkmen – Bahraini Business Council.

This Council could take an initiative to establish the relations between entrepreneurs unions, to organize bilateral events for exchange of practice between the manufacturers, business forums, exhibitions and fairs, to become the platform for promotion and implementation of joint projects in trade sphere, production cooperation, services and other spheres.

Having focused on the cooperation in transport and transit sector, the Head of the State noted that Turkmen side consider the Kingdom of Bahrain as an important partner with huge potential for the implementation of the project of Central Asia – Middle East transport corridor. The presence of developed port infrastructure in Bahrain opens huge opportunities in this direction.

Having focused on interstate dialog in humanitarian sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that intensification of the contacts in science, education, culture and art is an important factor of rapprochement of two nations and improvement of friendship. Turkmenistan and Bahrain have old traditions and rich historical heritage. Share of the practice in this field will serve to cultural enrichment of both nations. At the same time, the Head of the State spoke for support of the Days of Culture of two countries, exhibitions and festivals, cultural exchanges, other bilateral events.

Development of cooperation in sport sphere is also very appropriate. V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games have been successfully held in Turkmenistan in September 2017. These big competitions gave impulse for strengthening of the relations in this sphere and opened new opportunities for further joint competitions with the participation of sportsmen from both countries.

Turkmen leader also spoke for the establishment of direct contacts between high educational facilities for two states, which would enrich Turkmen – Bahraini relations and would improve their foundations in future.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the confidence that the first state visit of the King of Bahrain to Turkmenistan would consolidate friendly and fraternal links between two nations, would add strong acceleration to beneficial trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

Having expressed sincere gratitude to the high-rank guest and members of the delegation of the Kingdom of Bahrain for fruitful talks and willingness to further improvement of friendship and cooperation, the Head of the State conveyed the wishes of peace and prosperity to the nation of Bahrain.

The floor was given to the King of Bahrain. Having expressed cordial gratitude for the invitation to visit Turkmenistan and for hospitality, the high-rank guest noted again the importance of official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Kingdom of Bahrain in February 2011, which resulted in the agreement that improved interstate relations.

Having highlighted that while guided by friendly relations, fruitful contacts that meet mutual interests were established, King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa expressed the confidence that bilateral cooperation would continue expanding after the implementation of entire potential in different spheres of cooperation, which was noted by Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his speech.

The high-rank guest said that it is good that the visits between two countries become more often and number of important documents related to different spheres of the partnership has been developed for signing. As it has been mentioned before, great importance is attached to the expansion of trade and economic cooperation, use of capabilities of both states in investment sphere. Special attention will be paid to the development of the contacts in oil and gas sector.

Having expressed the confidence in continuation of traditional cooperation in international arena, the King of Bahrain made special mention of the policy of neutrality pursued by Turkmenistan, which support the provision of peace and security in regional and global scale.

High-ranking guest said that is an honour to invite the President of Turkmenistan to visit the Kingdom of Bahrain.

It was highlighted that Bahrain is respected to accept the proposal of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the foundation of joint bilateral commission for trade and economic cooperation.

After the talks in extended format, the Leaders of two countries expressed the satisfaction with the results of high-level meeting, having confirmed the willingness to develop the partnership in wide spectrum of directions on long-term base.

Thereafter, the signing ceremony of bilateral documents took place with the participation of the President of Turkmenistan and the King of Bahrain.

The following documents have been signed:

Memorandum of Understanding between Central Bank of Turkmenistan and Central Bank of Bahrain; Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Sports between the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Youth and Sport Work of the Kingdom of Bahrain; Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Education between the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of education of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Tourism between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in E-government between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Transport Sphere between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Culture between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Memorandum of Understanding in Women Affairs between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain on Mutual Visa Free Entry for Holders of Diplomatic, Service and Special Passports.

Joint Statement has been adopted by the outcomes of the state visit of the King of Bahrein to Turkmenistan.

It is remarkable that bilateral documents aimed at further development of beneficial partnership have also included the documents signed by the outcomes of Turkmen – Bahraini business forum in Ashgabat, which was timed to current meeting. It includes the following documents:

Memorandum of Understanding between the Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan and the Trade and Industrial Chamber of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in gas and petrochemical spheres between the State Concern Türkmengaz and Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company, Confidentiality Agreement between the State Concern Türkmengaz and Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company Memorandum of Understanding between the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa and Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company, Confidentiality Agreement between the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa and Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company. Hence, reliable regulatory and legal framework has been established for expansion of productive cooperation in different directions.

Upon the completion of the document signing ceremony, the leaders of two countries went to the Magtumguly Hall.

Addressing the participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again highlighted that Turkmenistan attaches special importance to the cooperation with the Kingdom of Bahrain. At present, fraternal and friendly relations between two countries are filled with new content, which, in its turn, opens wide opportunities for the implementation of significant potential of versatile cooperation.

Interstate dialog is characterized by high level of understanding and close partnership[ both in bilateral format and under international organizations. It makes reliable base for cooperation, mutual support and assistance in the world arena, especially under the United Nations Organization.

Speaking of this, the Head of the State made special mention that the Kingdom of Bahrain was the co-author of the Resolution on Declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day initiated by our country and adopted at the 82nd session of the 72nd UN General Assembly. In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan expressed the gratitude to the King of Bahrain for invariable support of international initiatives of our country, especially those related to the provision of peace and security.

Summing up what was said above and having noted that current visit of the King of Bahrain, is thought as historical one in Turkmenistan, the Head of the State expressed deep satisfaction with the talks and gave floor to the high-rank guest.

Having expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for an active support of Turkmen – Bahraini cooperation, King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa highlighted the significance of the documents, which were signed on this day and which, undoubtedly, would serve to the development of different directions of interstate partnership, having considerably improved its legal base.

Cooperation between two countries has good future. In this regard, representatives of business circles of Bahrein have also been invited to Turkmenistan, the high-rank official said, having expressed the hope that they would make deserving contribution to the expansion of beneficial trade and economic contacts.

Having highlighted the presence of great potential, including an investment one, for consolidation of the efforts, King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa spoke for activation of beneficial working visits for practical involvement of existing capabilities for cooperation.

Further, addressing the participants and high-rank guest, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced about the award of the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa with the Bitaraplyk Order for invariable support of foreign policy and legal status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, which was recognized twice by the United Nations as well as for personal input and improvement of friendly relations between our countries.

Our country would continue expanding beneficial relations with the Kingdom of Bahrain, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted, having expressed the confidence in successful development of interstate dialog.

Taking the opportunity, the Head of the State wished strong health, happiness, family wealth and success in responsible government activity to the high-rank guest and peace and prosperity to fraternal people of Bahrain.

Under the applauses of the participants, Turkmen leader handed over high state award of Turkmenistan, the Bitaraplyk Order to the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa.

In return, the King of Bahrain expressed deep gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the honour, having highlighted that he accepted this honourable award as a symbol of trust in further improvement of Turkmen – Bahrain cooperation and its bringing to highest level.

Upon the completion of the ceremony, the heads of the state left the Magtumguly Hall.

In the afternoon, the King of Bahrain went to Kypchak were he paid tribute to the first President of Turkmenistan, having laid flowers in the Mausoleum and visited Turkmenbashy Spirituality Mosque.

High ranking guest has also laid flowers to the Monument of Independence of Turkmenistan. According to good tradition, King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa planted a young tree as a symbol of friendship between two countries and nations at the Honourable Guests Alley.

In the evening, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave official dinner in honour of high ranking guest.

The state visit of the King of Bahrain to Turkmenistan is continued.