Ï Joint Statement by the outcomes of the state visit of the king of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa to Turkmenistan

Joint Statement by the outcomes of the state visit of the king of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa to Turkmenistan

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1. By the invitation of His Excellency President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, His Majesty, the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa has made the state visit to Turkmenistan on May 17 – 19, 2019. High-level delegation including the ministers, high-rank officials and representatives of business circles has come together with His Majesty, the King. Reception ceremony of high ranking guest has been organized in honour of His Majesty in the Presidential Palace on March 18. His Excellency President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held meeting with His Majesty King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa.

2. During the meetings of official delegation, the sides highlighted the establishment of close bilateral relations, multilateral cooperation and close links between the nations. The talks in extended format were held in the atmosphere of constructive exchange of the visions of perspective bilateral, regional and multilateral subjects, which present mutual interest. The visit has demonstrated the interest of the Sides in the intensification of the relations between two countries and the importance paid to such intensification. The visit also makes favourable opportunities for further development and expansion of bilateral cooperation in all directions.

3. The Sides highlighted the necessity to intensify and bring fruitful cooperation to new level, having confirmed mutual intent to expand it further. The Sides exchanged the opinions on the subjects presenting interest including on political issues, cooperation if defence sphere, economic relations, energy, transport, tourism and culture as well as on regional and international issues that present mutual interest.

4. The Sides were satisfied that recently, bilateral high-level visits were held systematically. Bilateral meetings received new impulse after the visit of His Excellency President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Bahrein in February 2011 as well as after working visit of His Excellency Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaleed Bin Ahmed Muhammed Al Khalifa to Turkmenistan in December 12, 2015 for participation in High-level International Conference “Policy of Neutrality: International Cooperation for Peace, Security and Progress”.

5. The Sides highlighted the appropriateness of continuation of regular bilateral talks by using of existing institutional methods. During the meeting, the Sides agreed on the foundation of Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation between Turkmenistan and Bahrein, which would serve as the foundation for the relations between two countries.

6. The Sides has also approved the outcomes of the first bilateral consultative meeting, which was held on the level of foreign ministers of two countries in Manama on July 31, 2018. This meeting was held in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding for Bilateral Consultations signed between the Foreign Ministries on February 9, 2011.

7. The Heads of the State noted the importance of international cooperation for the interests of peace, security and progress, policy of neutrality pursued by Turkmenistan as a way to express mutual respect, understanding and weighted approaches in support of combating any forms of violent extremism.

8. The Sides noted that international initiatives made by both countries at international and regional levels would serve to consolidation of peace, humanity, sustainable development and human values.

9. The Sides noted that opening of the United Nations Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat and the King Hamad Global Centre of Peaceful Co-existence in Manama are the evidence of the policy for consolidation of peace, security and understanding between the countries and nations pursued by both states.

10. The Sides highlighted the appropriateness of extension of the cooperation between two countries in defence and security. It was decided to enforce the process of exchange of information, analytical data and advanced practice. The Sides strongly condemned the terrorism and its all forms and manifestations and confirmed the intent to intensify the cooperation in combating terrorism both in bilateral level and under multilateral structure of the United Nations. The Sides agreed that the terrorism cannot have sex, ethnic and religious affiliation. Both Sides recognized an important role of other Side in combating terrorism and violent extremism.

11. Having noted the capabilities of their economics, the Sides agreed on stimulation of their investors for the establishment of closer economic and trade relations and on the use of positive practice and capabilities of Bahrain as a financial centre of the region as well as the potential of Turkmenistan, which is located in the centre of Central Asia and has one of the largest gas fields in the world.

12. The Sides to support Turkmen and Bahraini entrepreneurs who play special role in improvement of cooperation in investment sphere during establishment of beneficial relations between two countries and implementation of joint projects.

13. The Sides have also noted huge significance of the establishment of beneficial cooperation between two countries in oil, gas, petrochemical industry, chemical and energy branches, production and processing of natural reserves.

14. The Sides highlighted their intent to increase number of tourists in both countries. In this regard, the Sides approved the Agreement on Visa Free Entry for Holders of Diplomatic, Service and Special Passports as well as agreed on the measures for facilitation of visa procedures for citizens of both states for entry to other countries.

15. The Sides highlighted the currency of consolidation of cooperation in the sphere of air transport that gives an opportunity of direct flight between two countries. High assessment has also been given to further intensification of cooperation in the spheres of renewable energy, oil, gas, trade and investments, youth affairs and sports, culture and tourism, education, labour and women affairs.

16. During the visit, one Agreement and number of Memorandums of Understanding have been signed including following documents:

1) Agreement of Free Visa Entry for Holders of Diplomatic, Service and Special Passports;

2) Memorandum of Understanding on Development of Cooperation in Transport Sphere;

3) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Culture;

4) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Tourism;

5) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Education;

6) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in E-Government;

7) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Women Affairs;

8) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Sports; 9) Memorandum of Understanding on between Central Bank of Turkmenistan and Central Bank of Bahrain;

10) Memorandum of Understanding between the Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan and the Trade and Industrial Chamber of Bahrain;

17. The Sides noted that mentioned documents would serve as the base for intensification of cooperation between two countries in these directions.

18. His Majesty the King of Bahrein Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa expressed the gratitude to His Excellency President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for cordial hospitality rendered to His Majesty and members of the delegation. He invited His Excellency the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to visit Bahrein in any convenient time. The invitation has been accepted with gratitude.

Ashgabat, March 18, 2019