Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat.

The agenda included some subjects related to seasonal agricultural works, social and economic development of the capital and regions as well as to preparation to coming remarkable dates.

First, the Head of the State called Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev who reported on the situation in the region, preparation to spring field works including to the cotton sowing.

It was also reported on the preparation to nationwide tree planting community day and National Spring Holiday as well as on cultural programme of coming events. It was noted that work for high-level organization of public events in the Nowruz Valley in Ak Bugday etrap is carried out together with relative structures.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that timely and organized seasonal field works according to agricultural standards are the main requirements. In this regards, the Head of the State ordered to approach spring sowing campaign on integrated basis.

Turkmen leader ordered to provide high level of tree planting campaign in the velayat on March 21 and to pay attention to proper care of available plantations and to hold these works under strict control.

Speaking of the events on occasion of National Spring Holiday, which are to be held in Nowruz Valley, the Head of the State noted that these events have to reflect old traditions and customs of our nation as well as modern achievements of the country, having given specific assignments to the Hyakim on this account.

After, Hyakim of Balkan Velayat Ya. Gylyjov reported on the situation in the region, preparation to sowing campaign and events organized in this direction together with relative structures. It was also informed in the report about the preparation to coming remarkable events, including to nationwide tree planting community day.

Reporting on the situation at the facilities, which are under construction in the region, the Hyakim presented the projects of medical facilities planned to be built in Turkmenbashy.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the necessity to carry out all agricultural works in accordance with agrotechnical standards together with preparation to spring sowing campaign in the velayat. Noting that all of these is a guarantee of good future harvest, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of timely organization of planned activities.

Speaking of high-level organization of International Nowruz Day and nationwide tree planting community day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to select the seedlings of trees with all responsibility taking into account soil and climate conditions of each etrap as well as to following proper care of the plantations.

Having approved presented projects of medical centres planned to be built in Turkmenbashy including multifunctional hospital for 400 patients and infectious disease clinic for 100 patients, the Head of the State signed the resolution on construction of these facilities. The document was immediately sent to the Hyakim by electronic document management system. The President of the country demanded the Hyakim to hold the provision of high quality of works at construction sites, timely completion and provision with modern equipment under control.

Next, Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat M. Bayramguliyev reported on seasonal agricultural works, measures for preparation to spring sowing campaign as well as on agrotechnical activities for care of winter crops.

In addition, it was reported on the measures for high level of organization of National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day. The information about the works carried out together with relative structures on preparation to nationwide tree planting community day has been presented.

Speaking of the importance of quality work, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the currency of coordination of all involved structures. The Head of the state demanded to approach the subject related to high organizational level of spring field campaign and tree planting for improvement of ecology of the region with full responsibility and on comprehensive basis.

Separate order were given for organization of the events on occasion of International Nowruz Day, which have to reflect humane and spiritual principles and traditions dicated by the ancestors, the Head of the State noted.

Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahallieyv reported on the situation in the region, activities in the fields of the region under the preparation to spring sowing campaign including about care of winter crops.

The Hyakim also reported on the place of tree planting campaign, types of trees prepared for nationwide community day. It was mentioned that these are decorative, coniferous and fruit trees selected according to climate and soil conditions of each etrap. In general, this work will serve to the expansion of forest zones in the velayat.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State demanded to put all efforts for successful solution of the subjects related to organized start and timely completions of spring sowing campaign. At the same time, care of winter crops has to be taken. All these works are the base for achievement of high results, the President summed up.

Speaking of coming remarkable events, Turkmen leader noted the importance of nationwide tree planting community day for creation of the most favourable ecology of the country, having ordered to provide the participation of all levels of the population.

The Head of regional administration was also requested to provide high level of organization of celebration events dedicated to National Spring Holiday - International Nowruz Day and to prepare cultural programme.

Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works, readiness of lands and equipment to sowing campaign. It was reported about the measures for steadfast improvement of social and living conditions of the population and acceleration of the rates of construction of different facilities. The information on preparation to coming remarkable events – national tree planting community day and National Spring Holiday, has been presented within the report.

Having listed to the report, the Head of the State ordered to carry out the works at the fields in compliance with agrotechnical standards. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to care of agricultural crops together with the preparation to organization of spring sowing campaign.

The President also said about the importance of provision of high level of events on occasion of National Spring Holiday and nationwide tree planting community day. Highlighting the importance of coming events, the Head of the State demaded to approach the implementation of planned events with full responsibility, having given specific assignments to the Hyakim.

After, the Head of the state called Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection M. Bayramdurdiyev who reported on the situation in agro industrial complex of the country, in particular on the level of readiness to the cotton sowing.

The Head of the industry reported that level of readiness of agricultural equipment, which would be used in the cotton sowing, condition of lands fully complies with agrotechnical standards. Provision of farmers with seeds and sufficient amount of water is under control. Therefore, all conditions were made for spring field work according to proper requirements.

Information about the location of the place for tree planting in all parts of the country and samples of seedlings has also been presented under the report. Several grape species will be planted together with decorative, conifer and fruit trees on the community day and mulberry trees will be planted along Karakum River. Special plan for this activity has been prepared.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested to hold under control all subjects of spring sowing campaign and provision of care of winter crops. Having continued the subject, the Head of the State noted the importance of improvement of land fertility, efficient use of water and land resources, implementation of advanced technologies. In addition, the President demanded the Minister to arrange systematic control of these works.

Noting the necessity of provision of high level of tree planting campaign the Head of the State highlighted the importance of scientific approach to selection of the trees planned to be planted, having given number of orders on this account to the Minister.

The Head of the State also requested to organize the coordination of work of all structures involved in the preparation of events on occasion of National Spring Holiday in Nowruz Valley in order for these event to reflect spiritual and humane ideals of our nation.

After, Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev reported on the situation of the capital, measures for acceleration of the rates of construction of residential houses and other facilities, preparation of important events including to national community day.

The information about the implementation of the programme of social and economic development of the country has been presented under the report. The Hyakim of Ashgabat informed about the situation at the facilities of current phase of urban construction of the capital, condition of roads solution of the subjects related to proper operation of existing facilities.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that it is necessary to pay special attention to further improvement of social and living conditions of the population, support of cleanness in the capital and its urban planning. The facilities built in Ashgabat has to be an exemplary by its importance and architectural features, Turkmen leader stated. It is necessary to hold under attention the subjects of coordinated traffic, in which regard it is necessary to coordinated the activity of relative structures.

The Head of the state addressed the Hyakim with the assignments on preparation of the projects of further improvement of urban and architectural image of the capital as well as for organization of the events dedicated to National Spring Holiday and nationwide community day.

Finishing video conference working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work and solution of set objectives to all participants.