Ï Large-scale tree planting campaign is started

Large-scale tree planting campaign is started

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Turkmenistan has met International Nowruz Day, National Spring Holiday, which main events were expanded in Nowruz Valley in Ahal Velayat where the building in the shape of huge tent Türkmeniň ak öýi has been built. Another stage of large-scale tree planting campaign was started there with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in this place by helicopter and after, went by vehicle to Nowruz ýaýlasy where numerous participants of community day have gathered. The Head of the State was met by the Speaker of the Mejlis, vice-premiers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, public organizations, universities and mass media. All of them was ready to join the work at vast space where seedlings of trees were brought before. Music, which was played everywhere, made the atmosphere of joy. Preparation to the celebration added special colour to the event.

Representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan including structural divisions of the UN were among the guests invited to the event. During the conversation, the Head of the State expressed the gratitude to them for active participation in all important events organized in our country, significant input to the development of the relations with the states and international organizations, which they represent in Turkmenistan, to the implementation of grandiose projects of regional and international levels. The President noted that there is a part of their work in the implementation of national green campaign due to participation in such events, having highlighted that all good deeds are made together. This is also good traditions that serves to better understanding.

Continuing the subject, the President noted that natural protection and careful treatment of nature, protection of its beauty and reserves for future generations are important priority of the state policy of Turkmenistan. Our country pays special attention to the ecology as to an important aspect of the UN 2030 Global Agenda.

Heads of the embassies, representative offices of international organizations accredited n our country expressed the gratitude to the Head of Turkmenistan for the conditions for efficient activity, having highlighted that it is great honour for them to take part in the events that are very important in the life of the state and society.

Enjoying the beauty of spring meadows, the Head of Turkmenistan stated with delight that noble initiative on creation of forest zones is accepted by people with enthusiasm and has massive character.

The spring has brought bright and rich colours to surrounding landscape, which are inherent for awakening nature. It matches with the mood of people.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the section prepared for planting of trees. The Head of the State has planted young mulberry tree, having started mass green planting. The Head of the State was joined by the participants. Representatives of almost all branches of national economy as well as diplomatic corps took part in the event.

The event was adorned by the performance of Turkmen artists, musicians, vocalists and folk bands. Flaming tunes of national songs and dances in Nowruz Valley, beauty of ancient rites have brought special charm to the palette of the celebration.

Saying goodbye, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the gratitude to all who took part in the campaign.

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Grandiose tree planting campaign was held all over the country. Personnel of different ministries and departments, state and private facilities, art and cultural personnel, representatives of public organizations and mass media took an active part in the community day.

Popular singers and art collectives performed at the stage built under the sky next to the land plots allocated for planting of trees. Exhibitions of agricultural, food and textile production, medicinal plants, national crafts and paintings were opened everywhere.

More than 460,000 trees have been planted in general during the community day all around the country. Special care was taken of existing plantations. Manmade forest have already occupies vast territories in different parts of the country and number of trees is counted by millions.