Ï Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place

Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place

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Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Celebrations of International Nowruz Day take place
Traditionally, grandiose folk and ethnographic show at Nowruz ýaýlasy place with the building of Türkmeniň ak öýi in the shape of huge tent was the most crowded celebration events. It gathered the guests and participants of the celebration to honour the spring and nature awakening, which symbolize peace, harmony of the people, good neighbourliness and friendship.

… Numerous guests including the members of the Government, heads of the Mejlis, ministries and departments of the country, public organizations, diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan, mass media were met with bread and salt by representatives of all velayats and Turkmen capital as well as different countries and tourists in front of the main entrance to Nowruz ýaýlasy at symbolical gates in the style of medieval eastern city.

The music was played, at this moment, the gates were opened and the birds singing, rumbling of creeks started sounding. The spring thunder was heard from the distance, which was replaced by the sound of rain that came to give water to awakened land…

The same as every year, the place had a whole city with tents, yards, gardens, craftsman workshops, rows of sellers at oriental market, exhibition halls, stages with theatre performances. Bakhshys and other musicians, dancers and singers performed.

Bright colours of national dresses, carpets and decorative and applied art articles, colourful decorations and various fruits of Turkmen land turned big green meadow to prosperous settlement where light celebration, the New Year, which started field works after winter period and new life in old times, has come with music and treats.

Invitation song was and stage plays made by the motifs of literature works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as Nowrznama book were demonstrated to the guests. The performance showed ancient history and traditions of celebration of this holiday, which is demonstrated to the spectators in retrospect of centuries and millenniums, in its entire inexhaustible generosity lit up with sunlight of renewal, inspiration and joy.

Having announced March 21 as International Nowruz Day, the United Nations Organization urged to celebrate this holiday as an event that consolidates peaceful relations between the nations and asserts the ideals of friendship, brotherhood and humanity.

Historical sources and archaeological findings indicate that Nowruz, which is literally translated as New Day or New Year, was started to be celebrated in the territory where ancient world religion, the Zoroastrianism has been originated. The scientists discovered that the first Zoroastrian fire and water temples were concentrated on the territory of Turkmenistan and prophet Zaratushtra or Zoroastr, this was the name of our great ancestor in Greek and Roman manuscripts, after who the first in the history of humankind world religion was named, received the first revelation from Ahuramazda on the banks of Murgab river.

It was Zaratushtra who timed the celebration of New Year to spring equinox. This holiday became the holiday of being and enduring spiritual values and their succession. National Spring Holiday, which kept its life asserting meaning and filling human hearts with healing power of kindness, is honoured by Turkmen people from ancient times as a wise advice of the ancestors, celebrating its with full scale and joy.

From the old times, Nowruz embodying awakening of land, revival of natures, reflected the release of energy of creativity; it absorbed all forms and types of national craft, spiritual and cultural values of countless generations. All of these has turned into unique complex of traditions and rites, which were demonstrated by folk, music and theatre collectives of Ahal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary Velayats at the stages of Nowruz ýaýlasy.

The main celebration customs had land farming character, which included the knowledge of nature, place of human in the world, the vision of his relations with the environment. However, our keen ancestor was not just passive observer. He tried to solve the meaning and rhythm of natural phenomena starting the dialog, which would be useful for him. This was the way the rituals were originated, which have not lost their wisdom and charming influence until our days.

The youngest artists have started the number of dedications. Participants of children dance collective presented folk stage play «Ýag, ýagyş», in which children are the first to inform the guests about coming of Nowruz by recitatives and joyful songs and afterward, all children catch up this news by stirring dance.

After, the baton was taken by dance and ethnographic ensembles of Ahal Velayat with captivating «Şadiwanalaryň, derwüşleriň» number. During the performance, group of drummers has joined the ensemble performing ancient dervish dance bringing turbulent revival. Different rites and traditions related to Nowruz were demonstrated next to the tents.

There is real garden on the other side of the path followed by the guests of the event, where the artists representing Lebap Velayat played the scene dedicated to farming and gardening. Proverbs from book «Paýhas çeşmesi» (Source of Wisdom) reflecting the attitude of Turkmens to nature, love and care of native land were the leitmotif of the play. “The one who planted a tree, lives forever”…

Exhibition of young trees, different flowers, tasty fruits and raisings, honey embodying the beauty, fertility and fragrance of Turkmen gardens, foothill meadows and river valleys was organized in this part on the background of hothouse and apiary.

The theme of farming was continued by the next plot made on the base of «Ak bugdaýyň Watany» article of the second book of the President “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”. One can see a smith working on something, which skills make an effect on the result of work at land, its skilled processing as well as harvesting. The play could not help using mythological characters like Babadaykhan, the patron of land and farmers, Burkut Baba, the master of rain, Mir Haydar, the master of wind. Moments of ploughing on pair of bulls, ancient water delivery system with the use of camel force, irrigation, work of mill, threshing process, field camp of farmer have been demonstrated. The picture was supplemented with the exposition of agricultural tools and seeds of different crops, which are cultivated by farmers, woodcrafts.

Participants of show dedicated to livestock farming traditions were located further on both sides of the path. Proverbs from «Paýhas çeşmesi» book were folk canvas of the performance. For example, “There is no flock without a shepherd, there is no nation without a leader”. This paly involved the members of Miras Art Collective and folk ensembles of high educational institutes.

They have personified the images of Chopan Ata, the Pir of sheep, Veyis Baba, the Pir of camels, Zengy Baba, the Pir of cows, Govender Baba, the Pir of goats as well as various traditions of charvadards. At the same place, the visitors were able to see the animals in special pens enjoying new-born lambs. Special attention of the guests as attracted by alabays, which guarded all these animals, hunting hounds ‘tazy’ and falcons, which training is an integral part of tradition culture of Turkmens continuing today.

Exhibition of carpets, textile, diary and medicinal herbs, which Turkmen land is rich with, as well as herbal teas was visual illustration to literature and music composition. The shepherd’s camp was shown on the background of decorations imitating the pastures and vast spaces of Karakum Desert.

Visitors were able to learn the secrets of making of such traditional dairy products as ‘tchal’, ‘gatyk’, ‘suzma’, ‘ayran’, ‘gurt’, ghee, butter, ‘ovuz’, ‘peynir’, ‘sargan’. ‘motal’ or tried to spin a wool and weave reed mats, to make input in making of felt mat, to sit at the weaving machine, to look at the work of leather masters making jackets, headdress and footwear.

Science, the pages of its history, on which the artists of the theatre from Mary Velayat have recreated the images of prominent scientists, who made great contribution to the development of philosophy, medicine, mathematics, astronomy and other disciplines, were the next thematic section of big costumed narration. It includes Omar Hayam, Al Biruni, Al Khorezmi. As Suli, Al Farabi, Lukman Hekim, Nejmeddin Kubra, Zamahshary, Myane Baba and many other.

Art directors of this play used the book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, in particular the plots from the article about Ancient Merv from the first volume.

Interesting story was framed by the performance of folk collectives, historical reconstruction of observatory and library, monuments of that time, samples of sand and solar watches as well as the works on restoration of artefacts made by students of Turkmen State Institute of Culture, ceramics and other art articles made students of the State Art Academy.

Some parts of other book of the Head of the State “Turkmen Culture” made the basis of colourful stage play dedicated to national cuisine. In particular, traditions of cooking of ritual meal of Nowruz, the semeni, the way the wheat is cultivated for celebration green composition have been demonstrated. Folk collectives of Dashoguz Velayat were the main participants of this scenery.

Women were showing the entire cycle of preparation of dough, the way it used to be made in past centuries, starting from milling the grain by grindstones to sifting the flour and its mixing. After, they baked bread in ‘tamdyrs’ and treated everyone. Green shoots of wheat cultivated in special dish wares and tied with ‘alaja’ were presented to the guests as a gift.

Spectators were able to see how national dishes including gatlama, chapady, pishme, katlama, petir, yagly chorek are cooked and to try it right from the stove.

Skilful riders on excellent horse are compulsory participants of all Turkmen celebration events. National games of Nowruz section was represented by famous equestrian group Galkynysh of the Turkmenatlary State Association, the winner of numerous international circus festivals. This stirring performance was the reflection of book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Ahalteke Horse – Our Pride and Glory”.

Again, dashing Turkmen riders on magnificent horses have demonstrated their unbelievable skills, having presented plenty of rapture and bright emotions to all. Majestic stature and swiftness of horses matched brave posture and passion.

In addition, united folk collective of Balkan Velayat performed ‘kushtdepdy’ dance, in which they were joined by other participants of the celebration.

In the meantime, the youth played nation games and entertainments following them with joyful songs and funs. Performance with the elements of national games was presented by Serpay folk and ethnographic ensemble. Spectators watched the fights of wrestlers in Turkmen national wrestling gyoresh and ‘catch the scarf’ contest. ‘Ayterek – gunterek’, ‘chilik’, ‘chovgan’, ‘altyn gapak’, guyruk tutdy’ and other were brightly presented among national games.

‘Monjuk atdy’ (fortune telling on beads), which received the character of funny contest in resourcefulness, is one of the most popular girlish games. During the game, girls sing recitative rhymes, ‘lyales’, lyrical and wedding songs.

This play was presented by joint folk ensemble from Dashoguz Velayat with the participation of popular ensembles “Mengly”, “Nyazly”, “Ashgabat” and girls from student art groups. Exhibition of women craft including fine embroidery, ornamented chrams, ‘keteni’, carpet items, souvenirs and other was expanded along the way.

The gallery of traditions was completed by the ‘Kitchen of Nowruz’, which interpret certain articles from book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Bereketli türkmen saçagy”. Generous tables with food, fruits and dishes of national cuisine, which were cooked on the sport by the best chefs and master of cooking art demonstrating their wonderful skills in operating of ingredients and cooking ware, were set on the both sides of central path. How not to try such treats? When you have forty cauldrons in front of your eyes with smoke above them challenging by the smell of plov, yarma, chorba, unash, forgama!

Celebration menu of Nowruz also had gaytnama, buglama, chekdirme, tamdyrlama, Howruz kojesi, kurtyuk, dumplings with eggs, meat, pumpkin. There were gazanlama, myasheve, jeven, durushde, shule, gyomme, ishlekly, gutaby, somsa. Undoubtedly, there were lamb, fish, kebap cooked on skewer.

Mountains of fresh fruits and vegetables were raising next it. Food production and fish delicacies supplemented the exhibition of the gifts of Turkmen gardens. Funny stories played by theatre artists gave many smiles to spectators.

Performances of singers and musicians have brought unique charm to the palette of the celebration where ancient music and songs were interweaved with popular modern rhymes. All of these was crowned by ‘kushtdepdy’ dance, which embodied the circulation of beign and sun, giving lie and light.

Artistic dedication to Nowruz again let us to ensure that traditions of ancient holiday receive new translation today while our heritage keeps direct link with modern generations.

Happy celebration in Ahal Valley continued after the sunset when ritual fires were lit up and all who wished jumped over the fire as it was done by our ancestors in old times believing that it would bring them luck and wealth as a riding the swings. It is thought to be spiritually refining ritual allowing entering new year with new power, open heart and light thoughts.

Centuries and millenniums pass by but the role of this holiday, which has stepped over the borders, is very important in life of Turkmen people. Remaining an unfading pearl, it continues giving us pleasure from beauty and kindness, calling up to friendship, brotherhood, unity and new achievements with all its strength.

Celebration concerts and mass cultural events were held in all administrative centres of the regions and in Ashgabat including on open grounds and places of public recreation.