Ï National tree planting campaign for the interests of ecological wealth

National tree planting campaign for the interests of ecological wealth

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National tree planting campaign for the interests of ecological wealth
National tree planting campaign for the interests of ecological wealth
National tree planting campaign for the interests of ecological wealth
National tree planting campaign for the interests of ecological wealth
National tree planting campaign for the interests of ecological wealth
National tree planting campaign for the interests of ecological wealth
Nationwide tree planting campaign was held in the country on March 21. As per tradition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov personally gave start to another phase of national tree planting programme, having taken part in tree planting in Nowruz Valley.

Environmental protection, careful treatment of nature, protection of its beauty and reserves for future generations are important priority of the state policy. Our country pays the utmost attention to the ecology as to an important aspect of the UN 2030 Global Agenda and to one of the main factors of prosperous life of people.

First, this is related to rational use of water and land resources, combating desertification, protection of unique parts of nature, protection of marine environment and biodiversity of Caspian Sea and many other aspects. Number of legal acts including the Forest and Water Codes, laws on flora and fauna, special protected natural territories, on protection of atmospheric air, ecological safety and other are aimed at integrated fulfilment of set objectives in natural protection sphere.

National Forest Programme, providing the creation of green belts and massifs on the background of rapidly developing industrial infrastructure, wide network of transport communications, rapidly growing cities and new settlements, is implemented in the country for provision of ecological wealth both in national and global scales. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to implementation of this grandiose programme as to important factor of health protection of people and creation of comfortable conditions for their life and rest.

Today, Ashgabat is called as city garden. Magnificent pine, cypress and poplar groves as well as bright flower carpets became an integral part of the capital outskirts. Areas with plantations of juniper, coniferous and deciduous trees have expanded in the Kopetdag foothills. Increment of different birds and animals including rare ones is observed mainly due to this fact.

Manmade oases of young forests, parks and gardens occupy dozens thousands of hectares in all event remoted parts of Turkmenistan. They became a bright detail of the landscape expressing delight of the guests of the country. banks of rivers and canals, ecological coast of Caspian Sea with Avaza National tourist zone, surrounding territory of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake in the centre of Karakum Desert put on green dress.

Vast forest plantations in the north of the country in Dashoguz Velayat is another visual example of it. Grandiose massif of forest plantations is formed up on 20,000 hectares territory around Boytendag Height at the bank of Sarykamysh Lake for prevention of soil degradation and desertification in Aral Region.

Major greening campaign in our country is a significant input to the combat against negative impact of the climate change. Appearing around every city and village, forest belts create comfortable microclimate protecting from hot breathe of the Karakums in summer and cold wind in winter.

Implementation of National Forest Programme is under close attention of the Head of the state; preparation to seasonal tree planting and their outcomes are discussed at the sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers.

As it has been mentioned, ecological action became an important part of the events in honour of National Spring Holiday in Nowruz ýaýlasy ground of foothill valley of Ahal. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has planted young mulberry tree therem having started new phase of greening works. Representatives of almost all branches of national economy as well as diplomatic corps accredited in our country took part in the event.

Thousands of mulberry and fruit trees have been planted in previous years in Nowruz Valley. Total area of plantation became 12 hectares during this community day. It means that excellent green groves and fruit gardens will raise there soon.

Mass plantation of mulberry trees acquire special symbolism in the aspect of concordance with the Great Silk Road. Restoring this most impressive in the scale of human civilization phenomenon, our country makes the conditions for restoration of historical brand, which was originated from the name of natural silk fabrics.

Mulberry wood is also very precious. It is used for making of musical instruments in Asian countries. Dense and taut wood is used as construction and decoration material in carpentry. Sometimes, mulberry tree is used as an element of landscape design.

Every year, forest farms of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection as well as other departments of Turkmenistan stock necessary number of seeds for coming plantations of forest, from which seedlings on coniferous, deciduous and fruit trees and decorative shrubs are cultivate within 3 – 4 years. This is the age when young trees are strong and good for planting in soil. It is also supported by qualitative fertilization, which are put in advance to the soli prepared for plantation.

Application of efficient and economic irrigation technologies including drip irrigation and rain installations, which recommended themselves excellently in soil and climate conditions of Turkmenistan, will provide targeted delivery of water and its rational use. Taking of all of these measures will help the trees to withstand the heat of summer creating forest and park zones in the future, some kind of green lungs of the country, which are important factor of ecological safety.

Our nation used to live in unity and harmony with surrounding world from ancient time. results of archaeological excavations proved that blossoming oases were on the territory of our country back in the past and our ancestors did cultural farming and grew fruit trees.

Today, nobody stays aside from the participation in tree planting events, which are so necessary for protection of ecological wealth of our land and the idea of creation and expansion of manmade forest belts initiated by the Head of the State met national support.