Ï Turkmen exhibition hall introduce the traditions of Nowruz celebration in Bolle Festsäle, Berlin

Turkmen exhibition hall introduce the traditions of Nowruz celebration in Bolle Festsäle, Berlin

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Turkmen exhibition hall introduce the traditions of Nowruz celebration in Bolle Festsäle, Berlin
Bolle Festsäle Historical Building of Berlin hosted the event dedicated to International Nowruz Day on March 24. The Embassies of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey as well as representatives of national Diasporas living in Germany and students from these countries took part in the event organized with the support of German Competent Federal Representative Office for Culture and Mass Media, Friends Association of Berlin Ethnology Museum as well as Gumbolt Forum Fund.

Personnel of the ministries and departments of Germany, diplomatic missions accredited in the country, scientific and cultural personnel, representatives of public organizations and mass media were invited to celebration event.

Representatives of the state observing Nowruz have expanded national exhibition halls, which presented the sample of decorative and applied art items, painting works and photos introducing the history and culture as well as original traditions of these nations.

The exhibits of Turkmen stand were united by slogan of 2019 “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”. The interest of the visitors was attracted by beautiful carpets and original carpet items, paint works, samples of national dress and handmade embroidery as well as advertising and printing production about rich culture, historical and natural monuments, tourist and recreational potential of the country, innovative changes in the country. scientific and literary works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov occupied honoured place in the book section of the stand.

Tasting of traditional meal of Nowruz and best dishes of participating countries of cuisine presentation was the culmination of the celebration. Atmosphere of the event on occasion oof International Nowruz Day was organically supplemented by musical programme where works of Turkmen composers and national tunes were played.