Ï Modern urban cluster to be formed in the north of the capital

Modern urban cluster to be formed in the north of the capital

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip around the capital, during which inspected the projects of construction of new major urban complex in the northern part of Ashgabat by the request of the Hyakim of the city.

Early in the morning, the Head of the State arrived to place of presentation, which was prepared specially at the territory of Choganly estate. At the site, the Head of the State was met by the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, Hyakim of Ashgabat, specialists of city administration.

Lecturers and students of Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute and the State Art Academy were among the participants.

The President noted that participation of students of profile educational institutes is very important in the context of development of national architecture and construction sphere, finding of trends and directions in art of the youth, which studies these professions.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that beauty and comfort, rationality, advanced engineering and technical solutions, wide access of the population to the main social services, energy sources, living, transport, ecological safety are the basic criteria, which have to be applied during the development and implementation of reforming programmes and perspective plans of development of cities and rural areas.

Continuing the conversation, Turkmen leader highlighted the subjects of development of the roads in the capital, original architectural design of buildings, which have been built along the highways, provision of proper level of maintenance of infrastructural and social facilities.

Having noted that cottages built by the city administration and the Ministry of Construction and Architecture at the territory of Choganly residential estate do not meet modern architectural requirements in some cases, the President of the country expressed discontent with the work of Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev and Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev.

Issues related to harmonic development of urban infrastructure and further change of architectural image of the capital have to be always under control, Turkmen leader said, bringing the cottages, which were built by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, as a positive example.

After, the Head of the State inspected various options of projects of further construction development of Choganly, which were elaborated by the City Administration of Ashgabat, Ministry of Construction and Architecture, teachers and student of the State Art Academy and members of the UIET.

Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev presented detailed information on this account.

As a fact, a new huge city including the complex of administrative buildings, facilities of service sphere, residential buildings and other social facilities will grow up in this place in few years.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov studies in details each of five options of the project, which were developed taking into account demographic, social, economic, ecological and aesthetic factors. The projects reflected the traditions of national architect and modern trends of modern urban construction.

Turkmen architects, teachers and students of the Art Academy and Architecture and Construction Institute, specialists of Ashgabat administration, Ministry of Construction and Architecture, representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs went on working trip to the largest cities of the world to study advanced practice of planning and stable development of urban environment, application of innovative technologies in this field.

Each concept provides the construction of administration buildings and other state organizations. It was proposed to build several schools and kindergartens as well as the building of Turkmen National Conservatory and Danatar Ovezov Specialized Musical School and children creative centre.

Multiprofile clinic, hospital, shopping and entertainment centres, sport schools, stadium and sport complex, multilevel parking are among the facilities of social and living infrastructure. Banking sector will be represented by the branch offices of Turkmenbashy and Halkbank State Commercial Banks.

In the first case, the area of new construction site, which will be on both sides of Ashgabat – Dashoguz highway, is 620 hectares. It is planned to build 130 residential buildings ranging from 15 to 30 floors for 16,696 comfortable apartments.

The second proposal has also been developed by the Administration of Ashgabat. General plan is made in the shape of one of traditional national pattern, which is originally used in decoration of the articles of decorative and applied art. Numerous social facilities including 134 multi-storey residential buildings for 18,568 families will be located on 663 hectares. Total population approximately will be 112,000 people.

Total area of construction of the third option of the project, which was developed by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture and would be located to the east from Ashgabat – Dashoguz highway, would be 720 hectares. Together with other modern buildings, it is planned to erect 177 residential building with 12, 15, 18, 22, 26, 30, 32, 34 and 35 floors. The buildings will accommodate 16,884 apartments. construction of Türkmeniň ak öýi building and Observation Tower will be special features of this project. The importance will be given to construction of city roads, parks and fountains in this proposal.

The fourth project of new downtown was presented to the Head of the State in different options. According to A and B options, total area of new constructions will be 550 hectares. It is planned to build 102 residential buildings with 15 to 35 floor for 8,566 families. In general the population of the town will be more than 51,000 people.

C option, made in form of national carpet pattern, is bigger. It is planned to be located on 920 hectares with 168 multi-storey residential buildings for 15,384 apartments and numerous administration and social facilities, which have been mentioned above.

Having studied the projects developed by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the President focused on rational positioning of all facilities, having noted that self-sufficiency of planning of urban living environment has to be the main principle of further development of the capital.

It is necessary that population has all opportunities to work, study, rest, go in for sports and arts, use modern services of trade, entertainment and health improving service, which has to be in walking distance, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The Head of the State made some comments related to architectural appearance of the buildings, facilities and planning solutions, having noted that all these details has to be taken into consideration at the planning stage of future facilities, which have to meet modern standards of design, quality of construction and ecological requirements.

The President pointed out that it is necessary to pay the utmost attention to construction of engineering and technical communications like power lines and water supply, drainage and sewage, which construction has to be completed before the commissioning of the main projects.

The President of Turkmenistan brought Avaza National tourist zone, where architectural solutions of the facilities built on Caspian coast are well-thought and all conditions for comfort stay of people were made, as an example of planning of such works.

The Head of the State made relative corrections to presented projects. It was mentioned that aesthetic image of new downtown is very important, therefore the monotony has to be avoided during construction development. New architectural projects have to be original and expressive. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the elements of national decorative and applied art and modern solution in design of the buildings and facilities.

This is very actual for the building of Türkmeniň ak öýi, which is planned to be built in the centre of new town. White yurta is an original symbol of prosperity, transparency and hospitality of Turkmens. Its image has to combine original architectural traditions of our nation and modern achievements of construction art.

Interior design has to be original with brightly expressed national colours, the President said, having highlighted that it is necessary to involve local entrepreneurs and students to the development and implementation of similar projects.

Outlining conceptual recommendations, the Head of the State called up the officials to study foreign practice more actively, to analyse the principles of efficient organizations of urban organization in developed countries, to apply modern technologies, which support the economy of natural resources. In particular, this is related to the use of solar and wind energy as renewable sources from one hand while on another hand to place the buildings taking into account the movement of underground water, wind and sunbeam directions. Wise use of atmospheric precipitation is also possible – rain water collections system can be used for irrigation of flower gardens.

Successful implementation of social and economic strategy of Turkmenistan, implementation of major projects of international significance, industrialization of national economy allow the country making huge investments to large-scale urban construction.

Ashgabat, which receives new architectural ensembles, streets with developed neighbourhoods every year, is a bright example of it. The city expands its borders, opening to the world and astonishing with its beauty, for which it received many epithets, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The Head of the State highlighted that desire of the tenants has to be taken into account during construction works and especially at the planning stage. It is important to provide an integrated approach to the solution of the objectives in this field. It is necessary to pay special attention to compliance with ecological standards of construction development of urban environment together with consideration of local climate conditions.

In other words, care of people and slogan “ The State for Human Being!” have to be the main thing, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted.

Continuing, the President noted that it is necessary to make a contest among architects, constructors, entrepreneurs and students of the country for the development of such massive project. It was highlighted that our country has all capabilities for development and implementation of the projects of modern urban construction. Profile organizations and universities specialized in this sphere are provided with modern technologies and have all necessary conditions, hence, it is not only professional architects but students as well can participate in the contest.

The winner of the contest will receive the award and his project will make the basis of new construction. The Head of the State highlighted that historical sources indicates that talented Turkmen architects used to build unique facilities, which became famous around the world.

At the same time, national architecture has to develop in the course of the world trends, widely implementing modern practice, scientific and technical achievements and innovative methods, the President of Turkmenistan said.

After, the Head of the State talked with students of Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute and Art Academy, expressing the interest in the opinion of the youth regarding proposed projects and their level.

The students noted that special attention would be paid to creation of green zones, which would make positive effect on atmosphere, ecology of the city and would provide comfort conditions for living and rest of people. At the same time, the locations of the facilities were selected on the distance from production complexes and motor roads. Such aspects as compliance of roads with international standards, their convenience for drivers, transport and pedestrians, harmonic combination of urban and natural landscape have aslo been considered.

The building of Türkmeniň ak öýi in the centre will be the decoration of large-scale construction. Magnificent facility of original architecture in the shape of Turkmen yurta is designated for big celebrations and cultural events.

Future architects and constructors noted that development of the projects of new big downtown and current presentation were unique practical experience for them.

Summing up the results of review and discussion of presented projects, the President of Turkmenistan gave specific assignments to relative heads regarding transport communications of new town, having made special mention that intercity roads have to run across it.

Having highlighted again the importance of comprehensive and responsible approach to all aspects of urban construction, the Head of the State noted that special hope is laid upon the youth in this aspect.

Having wished success in solution of set objectives to the officials and significant achievements in study and creativity to the student, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.