Ï The President of Turkmenistan presented vehicle for drifting to the Motor Sports centre of the Ministry of Interior

The President of Turkmenistan presented vehicle for drifting to the Motor Sports centre of the Ministry of Interior

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The President of Turkmenistan visited the Motor Sports centre of the Ministry of Interior where he arrived by new sport car. In the centre, the Head of the state was met by the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies.

President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed that he presents a sport car for training and competitions in drifting. Special drifting ground has recently supplemented the infrastructure of the Motor Sports Centre of the Ministry of Interior. The Head of the State wished success to Turkmen racers on their way of skills improvement and expressed the confidence that they would be able to improve sport achievements of the country to new world level.

Representative of the Motor Sport centre expressed deep gratitude to the President for this gift and reported on systematic training in the centre, which is aimed at the improvement of international prestige of Turkmen motor sports.

Minister of Interior has asked the President of Turkmenistan to start a training in the most spectacular racing discipline on drifting ground.

Having completed necessary technical preparation before the ride, the Head of the State proceeded to starting point. Having set off and picked up the speed, racing car driven by Turkmen leader made series of sharp turns.

The motor sports received rapid development under the patronage of the President of Turkmenistan in the country. This is indicated by successful performance of our crew in international rally competitions.

Enthusiastic supporter of healthy life style, who pays great attention to the development of mass physical training and sports, the Head of the State demonstrates an example in different including the motor sports.

At present moment, national motor sports has great opportunities. Special role in this belongs personally to the Head of the State, who pays great attention to steadfast improvement of equipment and facility base and wide popularization of motor sports, attraction of the youth and improvement of skills of Turkmen sportsmen. All conditions are made for this including systematic training and organization of various competitions.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov spent time doing cycling and motor sports, supports and stimulates their development along with other sports. This large-scale activity is aimed at the provision of strong physical health of the population, especially growing generation, education of commitment, willpower and habit of active leisure.

This time, the Head of the State showed again master class in driving a sport vehicle, having demonstrated different techniques of drifting, making turn at the track on maximum speed.

In September 2018, International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 has been successfully held in our country by the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan. In February this year, our sportsmen took part in snow and ice rally of Russia – Northern Forest 2019 World Cup round and took deserving places on the podium.

Due to the support of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, national motor sports school received new encouragement for development. The fleet of racing cars from the world famous manufacturers is regularly supplemented with new models. It opens wide opportunities for training of new rank of masters in this sport discipline.

Having finished the racing, during which the Head of the State demonstrated skills and practice, the President of Turkmenistan wished success to the participants and left the place of event.