Ï Representative of Turkmenistan to take part in the Tashkent meeting on climate problems

Representative of Turkmenistan to take part in the Tashkent meeting on climate problems

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Specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection as well as the State Water Management Committee will represent Turkmenistan at the Central Asian Conference on Climate Change, which is to be held in Tashkent of April 3 - 4.

The meeting is held under the initiative of the World Bank and will bring together more than 200 specialists of the state departments, regional and international organizations. The Forum will be held with the support of the executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, Central Asian Regional Ecological Centre and Uzgydromet.

The agenda of coming conference includes the exchange of the views on tendencies of natural and climate changes, their impact of natural ecosystems, environment and health of the population. The participants will discuss modern scientific data on this problems and outline the complex of measures for minimization of negative impacts of climate change and adaptation activities.