Ï Dashoguz cotton producers started sowing campaign

Dashoguz cotton producers started sowing campaign

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Farmers of Dashoguz Velayat, where sowing campaign starts a bit later than in other regions of the country due to natural and climate conditions, started the sowing of cotton.

The area under cotton in the northern region occupies 140,000 hectares, from which it is planned to collect 230,000 tons of cotton. Farmers of the velayat prefer such medium fibre species of cotton as Dashoguz 120, Serdar, C-4727, Jeyhun, 149F and other.

Precise and uninterrupted rate of field works, which makes reliable base of future yield of this agricultural crop, will be provided by modern equipment like tractors of various purpose, sowing machines and cultivators.

The meeting with the participation of the heads and leading specialists of etrap administrations, agronomists, machine operators, cotton growers was held before the start of spring campaign in administration of Dashoguz Velayat.

The participants discussed in details organizational issues related to sowing campaign in optimum period, with qualitative performance of relative agrotechnical activities and coordinated work of all links.

Exhibitions of agricultural equipment and production of agricultural complex of the northern region were opened under the events on occasion of the start of sowing campaign.