Ï Digital transformation – the platform of growth

Digital transformation – the platform of growth

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Programme work for digitization of all spheres of national economy, introduction of scientific developments to production is carried out in the country at present time. Different ministries, departments and agencies as well as entrepreneurs of the country work on the strengthening of equipment and facility base, creation of necessary network platforms, which allow integrating services provided for the population to the internet, under the objectives outlined in the Concept of development of digital economy.

Activity for introduction of intellectual systems and latest technologies, training of professional specialists in the sphere of information and communication technologies was expanded in the country. In addition, the programmes for retraining of personnel, on which the lessons at the departments of qualification improvement of the universities and in training centres, have been developed.

Different ministries and departments develop new and improve existing web pages in the internet integrating the functions of service in online format.

At present time, number of departments of our country is widely presented in the world web. State crediting organizations providing the client with big range of capabilities in the internet have special success in it. For example, any citizen of the country can subscribe in internet banking systems, which allows to recharge the balance of mobile or land line phone, IP TV, internet, to settle loans and other from any place 24/7.

The platforms, which give opportunity to shop in internet via national payment system, have been developed. For example, different goods are available on virtual displays made by national entrepreneurs. The goods can be purchased within seconds. Air tickets can be bought in the same way on special website of Turkmenhowayollary Agency.

Today, Rysgal Joint Stock Commercial Bank, which develops payment system with the use of QR-codes – optical symbols, having scanned which the holders of mobile phones will get the opportunity to pay for any goods and services without cash and bank cards, also carry of the activity in this direction.

Objectives of digitization of all spheres of the state and transfer to digital economy became one of priority vectors of work of national entrepreneurs who implementing advanced technologies support the improvement of social and living conditions of the citizens.

Cooperating with government and public organizations, private companies and business entities make mobile apps allowing paying for various services. Accessibility and easy use are the main advantage of such programmes. Local businessmen also adopts the practice of foreign states and bring modern technologies, which are spared widely and have proven their efficiency around the world, to the market.

Actual measures taken for development of communication sphere give strong impulse to the growth of national economy. Implementation of the Concept of development of national economy until 2025 in Turkmenistan is represented by the roadmap of technological transformation of all branches and their government management, formation of economy of knowledge based on huge resources and production potential of the country.

Prospects of development of our country are directly related to the enforcement of external factors like further integration to the world economic relations, activation of beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation on the background of scientific and technical progress, development of coordinated solutions of issues and problems, which are common for all human beings.

Advantages of digital technologies are obvious for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, which have been integrated to all government programmes and big economic projects as well as to social policy. Therefore, the President of Turkmenistan stimulates the development of telemedicine technologies, online education and distant learning, instruments of electronic government and other in the country.

Digitization of management, production and operational process will create ‘smart’ cities where the requirements of the population are satisfied more comprehensively and faster, as well as additional work places, for example, in the sphere of computer sciences and information technologies. In this regard, training of qualified specialists including in the sphere of digital economy has special currency.

Availability of digital and mobile services is one of the key objectives. Hence, National programme for improvement of social and living conditions of rural population will be continued in a new way, on the level of digitization of the regions and remoted areas, having become a strong catalyst of their social and economic development.