Ï Rustam Minnihanov congratulates the President of Turkmenistan on the International Day of Novruz

Rustam Minnihanov congratulates the President of Turkmenistan on the International Day of Novruz

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President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Federation Rustam Minnihanov congratulated President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the International Day of Novruz.

“On behalf of the people of Tatartsan and on my behalf, I congratulate You on the holiday of Novruz. This ancient wonderful tradition to welcome spring is filled with creative power, expectations and hopes. Let them all come true, and our common efforts on the development of cooperation and enhancement of friendship between our peoples will become a significant contribution to strengthening peace and harmony, ensuring the social and economic progress”, said the President of Tatarstan in his congratulatory address.