Ï Turkmen leader and Igor Makarov discuss the aspects of cooperation in sports and oil and gas sphere

Turkmen leader and Igor Makarov discuss the aspects of cooperation in sports and oil and gas sphere

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Turkmen leader and Igor Makarov discuss the aspects of cooperation in sports and oil and gas sphere
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with Igor Makarov, the Head of ARETI International Group of Companies with the central office in Geneva (Switzerland), who is currently on a working visit in our country.

In the morning, the businessman came to the monument of legendary ahalteke horse Yanardag, which is placed on the intersection of Andalib Street and Kopetdag Avenue. After some time, the President of Turkmenistan has come to this place.

Having warmly greeted each other, the Head of the State and the guest exchange the opinions on the conditions and perspective directions of cooperation. The Head of ARETI briefed the President on the activity of his holding under the partnership with Turkmenistan.

Development of sports of highest achievements including the cycling was one of the subjects of discussion. In this context, the businessmen noted that huge attention paid by Turkmen leader to popularization of ecological cycling sports and sports in general supports the improvement of the prestige of Turkmenistan in the world arena as a sport power.

After, Turkmen leader and his guest went to International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex by bicycles.

I. Makarov noted that natural and climate conditions and modern road and transport infrastructure of Turkmenistan allow having master classes with the participation of famous sportsmen, training and international competitions in this sport almost all year around.

It was highlighted during the conversation that exchange of experience, making of contacts with interested parties supports the establishment of wide opportunities for comprehensive development of cycling.

Having arrived in International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, the Head of the State and his guest discussed the perspectives of bilateral cooperation, which is built on the principles of trust and mutual benefit.

The Head of ARETI International Group of Companies presented the bicycle of the latest modification to the Head of the State as a sign of recognition of huge merits in development of the cycling in Turkmenistan as well as in consolidation of international cooperation in this sphere.

Having expressed the gratitude for the gift, the President sated with delight significant input of the Head of International Holding in expansion of productive relations in sport sphere.

Having expressed the gratitude to Turkmen leader for spared time, the businessman noted that his company is proud of the partnership with Turkmenistan.

At the same time, it was highlighted that modern multifunctional sport infrastructure in our country serves as good foundation for opening of special Olympic school where the training of cyclists of international level would be carried out.

Having approved in general the proposals made by the businessman, the Head of the State noted the importance of improvement of bilateral cooperation in this direction.

Continuing the conversation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that having significant hydrocarbon reserves, our country improves the cooperation with all interested partners in different spheres. Attraction of advanced practice in the implementation of modern technologies to production is one of the most important aspects of large-scale reforms for modernization and diversification of the economy.

The President continued that today, wide opportunities for expansion of fruitful contacts with representatives of the world business are opening. In this regard, efficient character of old joint work with ARETI, which takes an active part in the implementation of major projects in petroleum and other spheres, has been noted.

Having confiremed the interest of the Holding in expansion of business relations with Turkmenistan, I. Makarov reported on the works of the company in our country. Expansion of the partnership in fuel and energy sphere taking into account colossal hydrocarbon resources of Turkmen sector of Caspian Sea, which received high assessment of international experts, was special subject of discussion.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that cooperation with famous foreign companies is one of the guarantees of successful implementation of major intenratioanl projects, which are to expand regional cooperation and to improve the positions of Turkmenistan as the world energy power. At the same time, the utmost attention is paid to the development of huge reserves of the fields in Turkmen part of Caspian Sea and diversification of the export routes of energy carriers to the world markets.

In this context, the opportunity of the ARETI participation in the projects of development of Uzynda field, located in Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan, has been discussed. It was highlighted during the conversation that signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the State Concern Türkmennebit and ARETI International Group of Companies would be reliable foundation for successful work in this direction.

Development of this productive field seems to be very promising today. The well in Uzynada Island is the deepest in central Asia. Performing of relative work will allow implementing huge potential of oil and gas complex of the country in near future, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having given some recommendations to the businessman.

Information about the works planned in Block 21 of Turkmen sector of Caspian Sea has also been presented. The interest in this project is provided by colossal potential of favourable investment climate for foreign business in Turkmenistan, the businessman said.

Having welcomed business-like approach of the Holding, Turkmen leader noted that all proposals would be studied in details in nearest future.

Ecological component of investment project, which takes into account universal standards of international natural protection conventions ratified by Turkmenistan, was important subject of the conversation. At present time, Turkmen sector of Caspian Sea is the best from ecological point of view due to targeted work for natural protection by the estimate of national specialists and analysis of foreign experts.

The Head of Turkmenistan noted that ecology friendly advanced technologies are the targets in urban construction, oil and gas sector, chemical industry, power energy, agriculture and in general, are an integral criteria of social and economic programmes, large international and regional projects in the country. having noted the importance of coming works in Block 21, the President requested I. Makarov to hold the issues related to the provision of ecological standards under control.

Having expressed the gratitude for the trust to the company, the businessman expressed the confidence that implementation of joint projects would serve for further prosperity of Turkmenistan. It was mentioned that ARETI would continue approaching the fulfilment of its partner’s obligations with full responsibility.

After, the Head of the State and Head of ARETI International Group of Companies went to the Olympic village where they exchanged the opinions on perspectives of development of the cycling in Turkmenistan.

After, the guest made a circle on sport bicycle around indoor track, which is a part of the largest sport complexes in the region. These days, it is used by Turkmen sportsmen for training and preparation to international competitions.

The Head of ARETI, who is interested in the cycling and have big experience in this sphere, highlighted that the conditions for training and international competitions fully meet the world standards.

After, the Head of Turkmenistan tried sport bicycle of new modification, which was presented to him by the head of the Holding.

During the conversation, the head of the state and the businessman highlighted the importance of improvement of fruitful collaboration in sport sphere, which would support the assertion of healthy life style in Turkmenistan.

In the end of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the head of ARETI International Group of Companies expressed the confidence in successful continuation of traditional cooperation.

Having wished success in work to the guest, the Head of Turkmenistan left the place of event.