Ï FIAS President: World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat Will Be a Tremendous Success

FIAS President: World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat Will Be a Tremendous Success

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The President of Turkmenistan, the President of the National Olympic Committee, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, received a letter from the President of the International Sambo Federation, Vasily Shestakov.

Allow me to convey, on behalf of the International Sambo Federation (FIAS) and on my own behalf, the assurances of our highest consideration and to inform you that during the meeting that took place on 22 March 2019, the FIAS Executive Committee decided to hold the 2020 World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat, the message states.

I extend to you my congratulations on this occasion and would like to highlight the professional approach that Turkmenistan has adopted towards organizing sporting events in compliance with the highest global standards. I trust that the World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat will be organized on the highest level and be a tremendous success.

Allow me to thank you for the attention that you devote to this sport and express my hope for future cooperation towards developing sambo globally, the letter by FIAS President, Vasily Shestakov, states.