Ï Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place

Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held vide conference working session of the Cabinet of Ministers where current subjects of the state policy have been discussed and number of documents have been adopted.

Having announced the agenda, the President gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the working visit of the delegation led by Chairman of Turkmen – Japanese Group of Inter-parliamentary Friendship from Turkmen side, Deputy Hyakim of Ahal velayat Serdar Berdimuhamedov to Japan on March 24 – 28, where some meetings and talks have been held and bilateral documents have been signed.

It was informed that during the meeting of the working group on Turkmen – Japanese economic cooperation, wide spectrum of subjects related to the cooperation in oil, gas and chemical industries has been discussed. Representative of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, the Bank for International Cooperation, Export and Investments Insurance Agency (NEXI) and big Japanese companies took part in the meeting. In particular, the talks on the project of development of Galkynysh gas deposit and other current joint projects were held.

During the meeting, relative agreements have been reached and fulfilment of the roadmap for economic cooperation, which was signed between the governments of both countries on October 22, 2018, has been analysed.

Meetings with the Chairman of Turkmen – Japanese Committee for economic cooperation from Japanese side and the members of this Committee who expressed full support of the projects planned to implement in our country, having noted the necessity of works for potential projects in new directions, have taken place. In this regard, the importance of preparation to the 13th session of the above-mentioned Committee planned in Ashgabat on May 23 – 24 has been noted.

In addition, by the request of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the members of Turkmenistan delegation had talks with representatives of Japanese companies specialized in oil and gas sphere. In particular, subjects of comprehensive preparation to the operation of the plant for production of synthetic gasoline from natural gas built in Ovadandepe (Ahal Velayat) as well as relative proposal for construction of the second line of this facility have been discussed with the Head of Kawasaki.

Negotiations with Sojitz company were related to the project of the facility for production of phosphate fertilizers at Turkmenabat Chemical Plant. Proposals on development off the project of construction of new plant for production of ammonia and carbamide in Turkmenistan have been discussed with Mitsubishi.

Separate meetings took place with Itochu, Highchem, Sumitomo, Mitsubishi, Sojitz on the sale and export of oil, gas and chemical production.

Following bilateral documents have bene signed by the outcomes of the above-mentioned meetings:

The Protocol of the Meeting on Development of Galkynysh Gas Deposit; Memorandum of Understanding between Sumitomo and the State Concern Türkmengaz; Addendum to the Framework Agreement on Construction of Facility for Production of Phosphate Fertilizers signed on October 22, 2018 between the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa and Sojitz Corporation.

Meetings on the main subjects of agricultural and water management spheres, to reformation of which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention, took place with Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection of Japan and General Director of the Department of Japanese Agency of International Cooperation. Application of advanced technologies and practice of Japanese partners in prevention of mud streams and their diversion from populated areas have been reviewed.

Separate meeting with the management of such companies as Marubeni, Sojitz, Itochu, Komatsu, which express the interest in cooperation in the implementation of water treatment technologies, have also been organized. At the same time, the talks on staged implementation of the Agreement on Supply of Komatsu Digging Equipment have taken place with Japanese side for the fulfilment of relative joint project.

Negotiations with the management and representatives of Turkmen – Japanese Economic Committee from Japanese side have taken place in the context of development of cooperation in financial and banking sector.

For the implementation of the agreements achieved during the visit of Turkmenistan delegation to Japan in October 2018, in particular signing of the final documents on the projects in water management and automobile spheres, the consultations with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, the Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC), the Investments and Export Insurance Agency (NEXI) have been held.

The meetings aimed at the development of Turkmen – Japanese partnership in transport sphere have been organized during the visit. The subjects of opening of direct flights between two countries and supply of Japanese cars to Turkmenistan have been reviewed at the talks with the Director of the Bureau of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Communication and Tourism of Japan, the President of the Tourist Agencies Association and General Director of the Department of Sumitomo Corporation.

Following bilateral documents on cooperation in transport sphere have been signed:

Protocol of the Meeting with the Tourist Agencies Association of Japan on Further Improvement of Cooperation in Tourism and Transport; Protocol of the talks with Sumitomo Corporation.

During working visit, the delegation of Turkmenistan had separate meetings with official representatives of the state and the Government , in particular with the Speaker, Chairman of the Representative Chamber of the Parliament of Japan. It was highlighted that Japanese side confirmed the willingness of its business structures and financial institutions to continue developing beneficial partnership.

Improvement of cooperation between the parliaments of two countries and the contacts established under the groups of Parliamentary friendship were separate subjects of the meeting. At the same time, the importance of bilateral cultural and humanitarian relations has been noted.

Development of Turkmen – Japanese relations in political and diplomatic sphere has been reviewed at the meeting of Turkmen delegation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. At the same time, the importance of constructive partnership under competent international organizations, especially under the UN, as well as in the formation Central Asia + Japan dialog has been highlighted.

Exchange of the visions on different direction of cooperation, mainly related to urban construction, rational use of water took place at the meeting with the Governor of Tokyo.

In addition, Turkmenistan delegation has a meeting with the Mayor of Japanese Tendo where intensification of fruitful Turkmen – Japanese cooperation, particularly its entry to new level in agricultural sphere has been discussed. Turkmen side has made a proposal to establish twinning relations between Tendo and one of the cities of our country.

Appropriateness of reviewing of perspectives of cooperation with Ahal Velayat of Turkmenistan in agricultural complex has also been stated. Having supported this proposals, the Mayor of Tendo spoke for their soonest elaboration on specialists level.

It was also mentioned that International exhibition Jitac European Textile Fair Spring 2019 took place in Exhibition Centre Tokyo International Forum of Japanese capital on March 26 – 28 where textile and sewing production made in our country, which attracted keen interest on wide range of visitors, have been presented.

Therefore, 22 meetings and negotiations and signing of seven documents were the outcomes of the visit of Turkmenistan delegation to Japan held by the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

At the same time, representatives of Turkmenistan looked around 10 produciton facilities related to the industry and agriculture. It includes the plants for production of Nissan, Toyota vehicles and Komatsu equipment, water treatment complex, waste treatment plant, livestock farm and hothouse.

At present time, representative of Turkmenistan were sent to the capital of Japan for consultations on the expansion of cooperation in sport, educational and agricultural spheres.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that improvement of multidimensional cooperation with Japan, which is important and reliable business partner of Turkmenistan, is one of priority directions in the context of development of constructive dialog with the countries of Asian Pacific region.

Having highlighted that having taken the course to industrialization, Turkmenistan intends to continue focusing on scientifically based productions operating on the basis of latest highly efficient and environmentally friendly technologies, advanced developments and know-hows, the President spoke for further study of the practice of Japanese partners in this direction.

Transport and logistic sector as well as telecommunications seem to be actual in modern realities.

Humanitarian component is an integral part of interstate relations. The President also highlighted that it is necessary to continue the practice of organization of joint cultural events, which have well recommended themselves and give opportunity to know about rich culture and art, national traditions of the nations of both countries.

Tourism is another perspective field of cooperation. Summing up what was said above, the Head of the State highlighted that mutual goodwill and interest, significant regulatory and legal framework provide reliable platform for steadfast intensification of bilateral partnership in all spectrum.

In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan gave number of relative assignments related to continuation of targeted work in development of fruitful Turkmen – Japanese cooperation in different spheres.

Having highlighted the subject of traditions partnership with the United Nations, the Head of the State noted that Working Plan of Cooperation between the Institute of the State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan and the UN Population Fund Representative Office in 2019 – 2020 and Working Plan of Cooperation between this Institute and the UNDP Representative Office in 2019 are to support the activation of the cooperation with its leading structures, intensification of progressive reforms in our country and study of the best world practice. In this regard, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific assignments on their successful implementation to Director of the Institute Ya. Nuriyev.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the work of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population for supplementation of official website of this organization with employment link. It was informed that the proposal has been developed according to the request of the Head of Turkmenistan and objectives following from the Concept of development of digital economy of the country in 2019 – 2025.

It is planned to place the information about vacant positions and required specialists in organizations and facilities regardless from their legal forms of ownership in this section. In its turn, it will provide rapid exchange of necessary information between the employer and citizens who look for a job as well as will accelerate the transition of the system of government services to electronic format.

Information on the proposal of the Programme of Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) on connection of Turkmenistan to the project of regional technical support “Development of railway systems in the countries – economic partners in Central Asia”

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused the attention of the Vice-premier on current objectives of the departments of financial sector. Control of the timely fulfilment of the plans of the ministries and department as well as national and government programmes aimed at further dynamic growth of Turkmen economy was outlined among the main objectives.

Employment of the population, making of conditions necessary for improvement of work efficiency and professional qualification of the citizens, their social protection are among priority directions of the strategy of the country development, Turkmen leader said, having highlighted the importance of practical measures in this direction. Having approved in general presented proposals, the President ordered to hold under control its implementation.

Continuing, the Head of the State noted that the Programme of CAREC is an important mechanism of support of economic regional cooperation especially in such spheres as transport, energy, trade. Cooperation of Turkmenistan on this ground has strategic character, the President highlighted.

It was also mentioned that participation in proposed project would make positive effect on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as on improvement of partnership relations between the participating states of the Programme. In this context, the Vice-premier received specific assignments.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who informed about the situation in different sectors of fuel and energy complex, activity for strengthening of resource base and production potential of oil and gas industry.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that improvement of efficiency of oil and gas complex is an important objective today. The Vice-premier received number of assignments related to further diversification of oil and gas sector, modernization of its infrastructure on innovative base as well as permanent control of the implementation of big investment projects including the construction of TAPI transnational gas line.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev made report on the work in the ministries and departments under his supervision, in particular on the measures for urban development of Ashgabat, improvement of the activity of municipality services and completion of construction projects.

Having focused on the subject of uninterrupted provision of the population with electricity, the Head of the State demanded to hold this subject under permanent control and gave number of certain assignments on this account.

Speaking of the urban development of the capital, the President ordered to activate tree-planting works suing modern approaches of landscape design. Continuing the subject, the President focused on the importance of the projects for improvement of transport and logistic capabilities of the country, construction of motor roads, bridges and other facilities meeting high standards.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakieyv reported on the activities in the ministries and departments under his supervision.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that developed multidimensional industry, scientifically based production on the efficient use of local material resources are the main condition outlining successful solution of the objectives for provision of economic growth of the country, gradual improvement of the wellbeing of the nation.

Information about the preparation to International Exhibition Türkmen sährasy – 2019 has been presented under the report. Vehicles of different modification including light, cargo, passenger and specialized transport would be presented in the review.

The Head of the State noted that exhibitions and business forums allow using export potential of Turkmenistan more efficiently expanding productive cooperation with foreign partners. Speaking of this, the President ordered the Vice-premier to attract different companies specialized in automobile industry to the participation in international review and to take necessary measures for high-level organization of the exhibition.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the work for the establishment of Training and Practical Centre for Digital Economy.

It was mentioned that adaptation of specialists, entrepreneurs and citizens to the changes in this sphere is one of priority directions of work in regards to rapid implementation of digital technologies. According to the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, the proposal on establishment of Training and Practical Centre for Digital Economy has been developed in cooperation with the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The facility will be provided with equipment procured by the UIET. It is planned to develop and introduce the latest software, to improve the level of training of specialists in this sphere supporting the development of advanced practice in digital sphere according to time requirements.

Such directions as “Digital Documentation”, “Service of the Population by Single Window System”, “Information Analysis”, “Profile Electronic Flow”, “Digital Agriculture” will be studied in the Centre. At initial stage, digital systems are propose to be implemented in Ahal velayat and later to all around the country.

Having approved in general the proposals, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Training and Practical Centre has to support the digitization of all spheres of the activity in the country, formation of innovative, high technological, competitive digital economy, development of electronic industry, formation of marketing relations and improvement of level of wealth of the population. All of these have to reflected in training programme of the Centre.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the preparation to mass physical training, sport, cultural and educational activities dedicated to the World Health Day, which would be held in the velayats and the capital on April 7 with the participation of school and university students, teachers, personnel of the ministries, departments, administrations of velayats and etraps, representatives of public organizations.

Sport competitions and shows would be organized in honour of the World Health Day. It is also planned to have national sport competitions.

Having listened to the report, the President addressed the Vice-premier with certain assignments on high-level organization of these events as well as requested the Vice-premier to hold under control the reforms in the systems of health protection and education, having demanded to focus the attention on the development of the best world practice in these spheres.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on cultural programme planned in April on occasion of celebration dates, opening of social and cultural facilities.

Exhibitions, contests, music festivals are planned to be held under the implementation of the plan of events dedicated to slogan of 2019 “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” as well as to the World Health Day and National Holiday of Turkmen Horse.

Sport events and conferences are also planned on occasion of the 20th anniversary of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, constructive cooperation with which has important place in the policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Events on occasion of opening of number of social facilities are planned in the period under review.

Cultural programme of National Holiday of Turkmen Horse includes specialized exhibitions, scientific conferences, races, equestrian marathon, show jumping competitions, young jockeys races.

IX session of International Association of Ahalteke Horse Breeding, International Exhibition and Fair “Turkmen Horse and the World Horse Breeding Art” will bring together the delegates of dozens of countries.

Celebration marathon includes the final of international ahalteke horses beauty contest, award ceremony of the winners of the contest among artists in the best imaging of ahalteke horse and other events.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State highlighted special importance of international forums, which support the improvement of the authority of the country in the world arena and raising huge interest in modern development of independent neutral Turkmenistan, its ancient and original culture.

Having noted that the policy of wide international cooperation supports the study and popularization of tangible and spiritual heritage of Turkmen nation in the world, serve as strong stimulus for development of national culture and art, improvement of friendship with people from different countries, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to provide high level of all planned activities.

Further, the President noted that multidimensional activity is carried out in the country together with the UN Children Fund. The Head of the State focused on the necessity of relative measures for further improvement of work in this direction, involvement of national mass media and public organization and gave orders to control successful implementation of the measures provided by the plan of cooperation with the UN Children Fund in 2019 – 2020.

After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldieyv who reported on the course of reforms in agrarian sector and seasonal field works in the veleayats.

Information about the work carried out by the request of the Head of the State on introduction of digital technologies to agricultural complex has been presented. According to the Memorandum signed with American John Deere Company, centres of digital control of agricultural production have been opened in administrative building of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection as well as in Anau, Ahal Velayat.

At present, the equipment of this company is used for making rows and sowing at the fields in several etraps of Ahal Velayat for tests of relative programme software. In future, the data on cultivation and harvesting in the farms of the above-mentioned etraps will be collected from the sensors installed on harvesters and tractors.

Provision of machinery with electronic equipment allow increasing the quality of soil cultivation and production capacity of agricultural equipment, defining the results of mechanical works, accounting of fuel consumption, collecting and analysis of all necessary data.

Summing up the report, the President highlighted that implementation of digital technologies in agriculture is an important and perspective component of the strategy of development of agricultural complex of the country. use of the system of ‘precise land farming’ will give the opportunity to increase the level of automation of national agriculture, will provide efficient and rational use of land and water resources, fertilizers and chemicals for plant protection.

Respectively, all of these will support integrated solution of the main objectives, including on agricultural production, growth of profitability of agrarian business and environment protection.

The Head of the State ordered to continue paying special attention to the implementation of digital management of agricultural production all around the country.

Summing up the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused the attention of the members of the Cabinet of Ministers on the utmost objective related to the start of two large-scale projects – the construction of administrative centre of Ahal Velayat and integrated urban construction of the northern part of the capital.

Provision of personnel and creation of new working places are the main directions in this case, Turkmen leader continued, having ordered to think over the issues of employment of the population, making of the list of necessary facilities and specialists, which would be required. In this context, the President ordered the Vice-premiers to activate the construction of residential houses together with the construction of production facilities.

Finishing the video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family wealth and success in work to all participants.