Ï The UIET to support the opening of Training and Practical Centre for digital economy

The UIET to support the opening of Training and Practical Centre for digital economy

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It was mentioned at the session of the Government on March 29 that adaptation of specialists, entrepreneurs and citizens to the changes in this sphere is one of priority directions of work in regards to rapid implementation of digital technologies. According to the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, the proposal on establishment of Training and Practical Centre for Digital Economy has been developed in cooperation with the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov informed that the Centre facility would be provided with equipment procured by the UIET. It is planned to develop and introduce the latest software, to improve the level of training of specialists in this sphere supporting the development of advanced practice in digital sphere according to time requirements.

Such directions as “Digital Documentation”, “Service of the Population by Single Window System”, “Information Analysis”, “Profile Electronic Flow”, “Digital Agriculture” will be studied in the Centre. At initial stage, digital systems are propose to be implemented in Ahal velayat and later to all around the country.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Training and Practical Centre has to support the digitization of all spheres of the activity in the country, formation of innovative, high technological, competitive digital economy, development of electronic industry, formation of marketing relations and improvement of level of wealth of the population. All of these have to be reflected in training programme of the Centre.