Ï The elections in certain electoral districts are over

The elections in certain electoral districts are over

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The elections in certain electoral districts are over
The elections in certain electoral districts are over
The elections in certain electoral districts are over
The elections in certain electoral districts are over
The elections on the Mejlis deputies, members of the People’s councils and Gengershys in certain electoral districts were held in Turkmenistan.

Ceremonial atmosphere was present at the polling stations, which have been opened at 7 am. Young voters, who took part in the elections for the first time, received commemorative gifts.

According to observers who monitored the process, the elections were an important step in the process of democratization of Turkmen society. Citizens, who are trusted and respected by their fellow countrymen, have claimed on the right to represent their electorate in National Parliament and in local administrations. There were farmers, representatives of government organizations, leading specialists of different branches, personnel of economic, educations, scientific, cultural, health protection spheres, representatives of political parties and public organizations among the candidates.

Several candidates have been registers for one seat of the Mejlis deputy, members of the People’s Council and Gengesh.

According to the Central Election Committee on Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan, all polling stations have been opened on the territories of electoral districts at the time set for the voting. It included 14 polling stations in Ashgabat, 50 in Ahal Velayat, 10 in Balkan, 49 in Dashoguz, 41 in Lebap and 58 in Mary Velayats.

80,230 voters have been registered for the participation of the elections of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan in electoral district No. 54 “Baydak”, Dashoguz Velayat, No. 106 “Vekil” and No. 109 “Sakarchage”, Mary Velayat.

Altogether, district electoral committees have registered 50,713 voters at the elections of the members of the People’s councils of the velayats and Ashgabat, 44,093 voters at the elections of etrap and city People’s councils and 33,312 voters at the elections of Gengeshys.

Monitoring of election process was performed by national observers, who presented at all polling stations. According to their evaluation, the elections were held on alternative and democratic base in strict compliance with existing legislation in the country and universal standards of international law.

Current elections were distinguished by online broadcasting from certain polling station. Anybody who wished was able to observe the voting on the website of the Central Election committee.

According to the Central Committee for the Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan, 91.12 % of electorate took part in the elections of the Mejlis deputies, 90.86 % in the elections of the velayat and Ashgabat People’s councils, 90.71 % in the elections of etrap and city People’s Councils and 90.90 percent in the elections of Gengeshys.

According to the information of the Central Election Committee, the elections were recognized as valid. Counting of the votes has started upon closing of polling stations. The results of the elections will be announced shortly.