Ï The Head of the State makes flight around the capital and agricultural fields of Ahal Velayat

The Head of the State makes flight around the capital and agricultural fields of Ahal Velayat

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a flight around the capital, having inspected the situation at big construction sites of Ashgabat and agricultural fields of Ahal Velayat making special emphasis on further improvement of social sphere.

From the flight, the President of Turkmenistan inspected the course of large-scale works in Ashgabat by the request of Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev.

Helicopter of the Head of the State headed to the southeaster part of the capital where the works are carried out at the territory of Parahat 7 residential estate according to the time requirements. Various facilities, mostly modern residential buildings, which harmonically merge to architectural image of the city, are built one after another in this place. Urban construction programme is implemented on integrated basis including the formation of relative especially social infrastructure.

Turkmen leader noted the importance of responsible approach to the satisfaction of the population’s demand on modern living and acceleration of construction rates of residential buildings with all comfort in this context.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued the flight above the northern part of the capital. It is planned to build new town in this place under the next stage of urban development of Ashgabat. Having studied the features of its location, the Head of the State noted the necessity of coming construction works on scientific base and coordinated activity of relative structures.

In this regard, the President highlighted the appropriateness of gradual construction. It is necessary to take into account functional purpose and operational characteristics of the buildings, creation of necessary social and living, engineering and technical, transport and communication infrastructure during the construction, the President said, having given number of orders on this account.

The Head of the State noted that all facilities have to match architectural ensemble of the capital as well as with natural landscape of this part of the city. Elements of national decoration have to be widely used in exterior and interior design, which would give them special colours, the President noted. At the same time, comprehensive care of the wellbeing of people has to be the utmost criteria.

The Head of the State highlighted the subjects related to Gurtly Lake and development of surrounding territories, having focused on the importance of proper conditions for swimming and picnics in this part, having given certain assignments to the Hyakim.

Continuing the flight, the Head of the State inspected the works at the construction site of Garagum Hotel, which would be located near International airport of the capital, having ordered to hold under control the issues of provision of high quality of construction and timely completion.

Helicopter of the President took course toward Keshy living estate where the implementation of the project of the 16th phase of urban construction of Ashgabat including the construction of large complex of social facilities with multi-storey multi-apartment buildings is ongoing with high rates. The works are carried out according to the time requirements taking into account such factors as the provision of reliability, seismic stability and safety of construction.

From the flight, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the situation at the construction sites.

It is also planned to create modern road and transport, engineering and communication infrastructure providing maximum comfort for the population in this part of the city. At the same time, it will have parks, green zones, all surrounding territory of the facilities will be developed.

Having noted that creation of favourable ecological environment is one of the utmost factors of the capital’s development, the head of the State requested to hold this subject under strict control.

Paying unremitting attention to the construction of social facilities both in the capital and all around the country, the President made special emphasis on provision of prosperous and deserved life of people. During the flight, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity to hold these works under control, having addressed the Hyakim with specific assignments.

Having focused in architectural solution of new shopping complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it has to have all conditions for work of salesmen and comfort of shoppers, having given relative orders to the Hyakim.

Having expressed the interest in the situation in the southern part of the capital, the Head of the State inspected the course of works expanded at the site in the foothill area where it was planned to place the monument of Magtumguly Fragi. Having noted the importance of the Monument, which is dedicated to memory of outstanding poet and thinker of East, whose art heritage is an integral part of the world culture, the President ordered to pay attention to combination of national traditions and modern practice during implementation of this project.

Continuing the flight, the President looked around the territory where the Bicycle Monument would be built. As is known, owing to selfless activity of the Head of the State, the cycling received active development in our country. By the initiative of Turkmen leader, the Un general Assembly declared June 3 as the World Bicycle Day.

Construction of facilities, entrusted to French company Bâtiment International, the old business partner of our country, is expanded along Chandibyl Avenue.

New facilities include International Congress Centre and fashionable hotel. It is worth mentioning that the facilities will be good present to the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

Administrative offices of the State Commercial bank Türkmenbaşy and Senagat Joint Stock Commercial Bank, which would be provided by advanced equipment, are built in the same part of the city. Soon, they will merge organically to single monumental architectural ensemble of the capital.

Taking into account that in the last years, Ashgabat became the place of regular large forum of regional and global level, all facilities built in this part of the city meet high international standards.

At the same time, close attention is paid to the compliance of works with modern requirements including quality, design, aesthetic and ecological aspect, development of surrounding territories, formation of necessary social, engineering and technical, transport and communication infrastructure. All of these is made for provision of all conditions for creative work, comfort living of people.

Having highlighted that integrated strategy for turning of Turkmenistan into industrial state is under the implementation, the President focused on the importance that is paid to the development of national economy on diversified base and on introduction of innovative technologies to production.

Having noted that all large-scale reforming programmes and projects are aimed at the prosperity of the country, the Head of the State continued the flight with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev.

From the helicopter, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected current situation at the arable lands of Ahal Velayat and situation at the construction sites of various facilities.

Having noted the necessity to put all efforts for successful solution of the objectives following from National rural programme, the President gave number of relative assignments to the Vice-premier. The Head of the State also highlighted that it is necessary to pay attention to practical implementation of advanced achievements of profile science, expansion of efficiency of activity of profile scientific and research institutes in the development of agricultural complex.

During the flight, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the interest in organizational level of sowing campaign and conditions the fields under wheat. It was mentioned that issues related to creation of necessary conditions for productive work of farmers, dynamic development of agriculture, improvement of profitability of the branch have to be under permanent control.

The Head of the State also highlighted that it is necessary to arrange permanent control of the conditions of irrigation systems and other relative facilities of the region. In addition, it was noted that selection of trees for planting has to be made taking into account local conditions. For example, mulberry trees planted along Karakum River would make positive effect on ecology together with strengthening of the banks. In this regard, relative assignments were given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers.

High level of labour mechanization and automation is an important factor of the growth of efficiency of agricultural production and improvement of social and living conditions of farmers. Targeted measures in this sphere have to be oriented on the increment of rates of work in agricultural complex, enhancement of land fertility, application of advanced management methods, the President said.

Special attention has to be paid to such directions as the implementation of electronic document management system, new technologies to the industry, intensification of work efficiency by increment of mechanization of the farming, modernization of processing segment. These are priority vectors of agricultural policy of the country.

Modern livestock and land farming complexes have to be opened in every velayat under the state programme for import substitutive production and increment of export oriented goods production. Important role in agricultural complex is also given to private sector.

Having finished the flight and noted again the necessity to put maximum efforts for successful solution of all set objectives, the President of Turkmenistan left the place of event.