Ï Central Election Committee announces the results of the elections in certain electoral districts

Central Election Committee announces the results of the elections in certain electoral districts

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Session of the Central Committee for elections and referendums in Turkmenistan on summing up of the results of the elections of the Mejlis deputies, members of the People’s councils and genegeshys in certain electoral districts instead of resigned took place. Members of the Central Committee, representatives of working groups made under the Committee, national observers and mass media took part in the session.

It was highlighted at the meeting that the elections were held on the principles of alternativeness and transparency. High activity of the electorate has been observed. In particular, 73,106 thousand people took part in the voting for the elections of the Mejlis deputies in three electoral districts. It made 91.12 percent of the listed voters living in these districts. It is worth mentioning that several people have been registered for one seat.

Gurbangul Atayeva, Ata Serdarov, Mekan Gurbanov were elected as the deputy instead of the one who resigned his duties in electoral districts No. 54 Baydak, Dashoguz Velayat, No. 106 Vekil, Mary Velayat and No. 109 Sakarchage, Mary Velayat respectively.

During the session of the Central Committee, new deputes of National Parliament received identification cards. From this moment, they are authorised representatives of people in supreme legislator body of the country.

More than 90 percent of electorate took part in the elections of the members of the People’s Councils and gengeshys in certain districts.

Active work of national observers who monitor election process and confirmed that the elections were held on high organization level without any breeches has been noted during the session of the Central Committee for elections and referendums in Turkmenistan.

Reports of the chairmen of velayat election committees on the results of the elections of velayat, etrap and city People’s Council and Gengeshys have been reviewed and approved at the session of the Central Committee. According to the legislation of turkmenistan, the lists will be published in local press shortly.

In the end of the session, the participants stated that the elections were held on high organizational level according to the country’s legislation and universal standards of international law.

Number of other issues, on which relative decisions were made, has been reviewed at the session of the Central committee.