Ï Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place

Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held online session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

Having highlighted the agenda, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the situation in the departments under his supervision as well as on practical measures for improvement of insurance activity. In this context, the Vice-premier has informed about the preparation of new edition of the Regulation of insurance compensation depending on severity of damage related to insurance case according to the Law of Turkmenistan on Insurance.

It was informed that draft documents provide the provisions of existing legislation as well as special features of the economy of the country and international practice in this sphere. New regulation was agreed with the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that large-scale reforms in Turkmenistan provide stable and balanced development of all branches in the conditions of formation of new national economic model, which meets time requirements. At the same time, improvement of insurance activity, which is necessary element of entire management mechanism, is very important.

Taking of measures against technical accidents in industrial complexes, prevention of injuries among personnel are current objectives of the State Insurance Organization, the Head of Turkmenistan stated, having ordered to organize the work in this direction according to time requirements and universal standards of international law.

The state rakes great care of creation of favourable conditions for people with limited capabilities. It is necessary to take certain measures for the formation of relative social and living infrastructure including the creation of comfortable environment for these people during the construction of residential buildings, the President highlighted. It is necessary to continue paying attention to legal regulation of different directions of work for provision of social protection of citizens, the Head of Turkmenistan said.

The insurance also has high social importance as an efficient mechanism of protection of individuals and legal entities from the risks and serves as a source of internal long-term investments to Turkmen economy. Having highlighted the importance of improvement of the competiveness of insurance market in Turkmenistan, the Head of the State ordered to prepare the draft document, having approved the proposal in general.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the modernization of equipment and facility base of the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa, construction of the plant for production of gasoline from natural gas in Ahal Velayat as well as on geological and seismic surveys aimed at the exploration of new deposits of oil, gas and other minerals and underground fresh water. It was informed that commissioning works are continued at new production facility.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that the state pays great attention to the improvement of production potential of oil and gas complex including the geology and colossal financial resources are allocated for these purposes. In this regard, the importance of efficient use of available resources and further improvement of work efficiency have been highlighted.

Information about the situation at the plant for production of gasoline from natural gas, which was built next to Ovadandepe village in Ahal Velayat has also been presented. At the moment, construction works have been completed by 96 percent while commissioning works by more than 64 percent.

Test runs of number of auxiliary installations including water treatment unit, coolers, boilers, pressurized air, air distribution and industrial water disposal systems have been accomplished. Test runs of gas treatment and synthesis units are at the final stage.

It is planned to start the commissioning of the reactor of automatic termite reforming soon, to connect methanol synthesis unit in the second decade of April and to bring the operation of the unit to designed mode within ten days. Thereafter, the equipment for fuel synthesis will be tested. Production of synthetic fuel, which meets Euro 5 international ecological standards, is planned to be started very soon.

In addition, monitoring of construction works performed at external communications of the plant has been made. At present moment, powerline for provision of the facility with electricity has been built. Construction and installation works have been completed at the railway coming to the plant. Laying of gravel level is at the final stage. Storage for industrial water disposal, rainwater drainage have been built.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that due to huge raw material resources and scientific potential, fuel and energy complex takes leading place in national economy.

Application of the achievements of scientific and technical progress will provide innovative development of national industry and will strengthen the position of the country in the world energy market.

In this context, the importance of the project of construction of unique and the only in the world plant for production of environmentally friendly synthetic gasoline from natural gas in Ahal Velayat has been mentioned. This construction is the evidence of steadfast development of Turkmen – Japanese cooperation.

The Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to hold test at the plant under permanent control and to provide their relevance to international standard as well as ordered to pay special attention to training of qualified personnel for work at modern facilities of the industry.

Speaking of the labelling used by the structures of fuel and energy complex, the President noted that it has meet international labelling system used in the world.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the reconstruction of Turkmenbashy – Garabogaz – Kazakhstan highway and construction of new bridge across Garabogaz gulf.

It was informed that new road with bi-directional traffic with 22.5 meters width as well as relative infrastructural facilities would be built along 225- kilometer track from Turkmenbashy to the border of Kazakhstan. 354 meter long and 21 meter wide bridge is planned to be built across the Gulf of Garabogaz.

Construction of the road and bridge until Turkmenistan – Kazakhstan border will allow increasing the trade, volumes of cargo and passenger traffic between western and northern regions of the country and neighbouring states.

During report, the project drawings of these facilities have been presented to Turkmen leader.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State highlighted that implementation of large projects for modernization of existing and construction of new roads indicates the commitment of the our state to selected peace-loving foreign course as well as the implementation of large-scale work for diversification of transport and logistic infrastructure.

Constructive proposals made in this direction are supported by the world community. For example, the Resolution of Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals has been unanimously adopted at the 74th session of the 72nd United Nations General Assembly.

It is worth mentioning that previously the UN General Assembly has adopted the Resolution on the Role of transport and transit corridors in provision of international cooperation for sustainable development and Towards comprehensive cooperation among all modes of transport for promoting multimodal transit corridors by the initiative of our country.

It is necessary to put all efforts for Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy highway, which is currently under construction, would be able to meet international standards supporting the improvement of the role of our country as transport and transit corridor, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Our country pursues ‘open doors’ and good neighbourliness policy and takes practical measures for the formation of ramified network of transit and transport corridors for the states of the region and the world, the Head of the state noted, having made special mention that this highway has to become an important part of multimodal system.

Following this, the construction of bridge and coming roads will play big role in transportation of ready-made production by roads and development of colossal wealth of Garabogaz Gulf. In this regard, Turkmen leader highlighted that new road have to be linked to Turkmenbashy International Port.

The Vice-premier was addressed with specific assignments on elaboration of the project of the road. The President demanded to provide thorough technical expertise of these projects and comprehensive analysis from ecological point of view.

In addition, the Head of the State requested to prepare the proposal on the establishment of relative structure for construction of the road together with related industries and the present these proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers for review.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the work for development of mining and metallurgical production.

The Vice-premier informed that by the request of the Ministry of Industry and Communication, specialists of the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa have performed scientific and research works and discovered the deposits of iron ore at Gyzylgaya V section of Chagyl field in Gyzylgaya settlement of Turkmenbashy etrap, Balkan Velayat.

At present time, the presence of the components in iron ore, which is required for production of cement, has been proven and it is currently used.

It was mentioned that 70 - 75 million tons of iron ore, which contains 20 percent of iron, have been discovered during geological survey. In this regard, it is planned to make technological tests of the samples received from Chagyl deposit.

Implementing integrated reformation programmes, which are aimed at comprehensive modernization of national economy, formation of powerful industrial infrastructure, our country make a bet on wide implementation of innovations, advanced technologies and practice, the Head of the state highlighted. Opening of modern facilities specialized in processing of rich natural and raw material resources including the expansion of the variety of construction materials made from local feedstock is the utmost objective.

Geological survey works aimed at the exploration of mineral deposits in Turkmenistan have to be made on scientific base, the President noted, having highlighted that special attention has to be paid to processing and efficient use of these mineral resources.

Development of multidimensional industry, scientifically based production on local raw material resources are the main conditions defining successful solution of the objectives for provision of economic growth of the country and steadfast improvement of the wealth of the nation. It is necessary to study and adopt the best world practice in order to bring Turkmenistan to the rank of the world leaders in production of natural resources and various construction materials, the Head of the State highlighted, having given relative instructions to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the work of the structures under his supervision and preparation of Exhibition and Fair and International Conference Trade and Services – 2019 in Ashgabat on April 13 – 14.

The main directions of modernization of the branch, new methods implemented to the activity of shopping outlets, centres, markets, organization of work of catering and public service outlets will be presented at the exhibition. Wide exposition aimed at the promotion of national food and industrial production to foreign markets will demonstrate commodity abundance.

It is planned to hold International Conference under the review. Numerous foreign organizations and companies have confirmed their participation in the forum. Representative of trade complex, industrial sector, specialists of export sphere as well as members of the union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs will take part in the Conference from Turkmen side. Advanced practice in trade and service sphere including the digitization of the sphere, introduction of electronic systems, modern methods of organization of internet shops, innovative marketing developments will be discussed during the Conference.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of organization of profile reviews and business forums for the implementation of huge export and investment potential of Turkmenistan.

The Head of the State gave instructions to activate congress and exhibition activity, to expand the spectrum of profile and specialized directions with the aim at the result in the form of contracts and agreements, attraction of scientifically based technologies and foreign investments.

Having noted positive experience in this aspect and the necessity of permanent enrichment of the practice, the Head of the State approved working programme of the exhibition and conference Trade and Services – 2019. Having requested to organize the events on high level, the President focused the attention of the Vice-premier on the main objectives of these activities, which are the study of demands and situation of the market, new ideas, proposals and efficient solutions, development of international professional relations.

Video conference session was continued with the report Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov who informed about the work for improvement of the structure of high educational institutes of the country, which train the specialists of sport, cultural and municipality service spheres, according to the request of the Head of the State.

In this regard, the proposal on reformation of the activity of high educational institutes has been presented to the President for review.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of further modernization of national system of high education and bringing of it to new level, which meets time requirements. The President ordered to elaborate on the presented proposals as well as to provide the conditions for changing of the qualification and recertification of the teachers taking into account planned changes.

Having highlighted the subject of development of national tourism industry and noted that our country has rich potential in this field, which has to be used with maximum output, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments related to training of specialists in this direction.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the organization of the Days of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Turkmenistan on April 18 – 22. Number of events, which are aimed at the development of humanitarian dialog of two friendly countries as well as popularization of the history and spiritual heritage of Turkmen nation, is planned under the action.

Opening ceremony of the event will be held in the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre. The programme of cultural event includes the performance of folk collective from Saudi Arabia in Watan Cinema and Concert Centre, exhibition of decorative and applied art items, national dress and photos in the Museum of Visual Arts of the capital, meeting of the artists of two countries and master classes fro students.

Representatives of scientific circles of Saudi Arabia will make reports in Magtumguly Turkmen State University dedicated the importance of the Silk Road, historical and cultural relations of Turkmenistan with the countries of the Arabian Peninsula.

The guests will be introduced with museum expositions and attractions of Turkmen capital, monuments of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Ancient Merv. Artists of friendly country will also give concert at the stage of the Kemine State Drama Theatre of Mary Velayat.

Further expansion of interstate cooperation in humanitarian sphere will be discussed during the meeting of official delegation of Saudi Arabia in the Ministry of Culture.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of international humanitarian cooperation in intensification of the relations with the Middle East countries including Saudi Arabia.

The Head of the State made special mention that our country are linked with fraternal relations and beneficial economic partnership in different branches of national econmy is expanded.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the reforms in agricultural complex and seasonal field works in the velayats.

Draft Resolution, according to which it is planned to sow the rice on 18,300 hectares of land in Dashoguz and Lebap Velayats and provide the yield of 82,000 tons of this crop this year, has been presented to the Head of the state for review.

Having listened to the report, the President requested the Vice-premier to hold under control qualitative sowing of the cotton as well as ordered to prepare to the wheat harvest and to pay special attention to the care of new trees, which have been planted during spring campaign.

The Vice-premier received certain instructions on rational use of water resources in agriculture, active implementation of advanced water saving technologies. The State Water Management Committee, which activity includes the provision of water to the agriculture and population, has been founded in our country for further improvement of activity in water provision and rational water management.

It was mentioned that issues of efficient use of water resources of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake, which solution requires developed practice and new scientific achievements, are worth special attention. The activity for diversion of used water to artificial lake and its further treatment has to be continued. At the same time, ecological issues have to be taken into account protecting the uniqueness and beauty of Karakum Desert accounting natural and climate conditions of our country.

Having signed the Resolution of rice production in Turkmenistan in 2019, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave relative assignments on its implementation to the Vice-premier.

Video conference session was continued by the report of the Chairman of the Central Committee for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan G. Myradov who informed about the result of the elections of the Mejlis deputies, members of the People’s Councils and Gengeshys on March 31.

It was mentioned that the elections were held in the conditions of total, equal, direct, secret, free electoral right on democratic base in strict compliance with national legislation and universal standards of international law. All district election committees, which included representative of labour groups, political parties, public organizations and citizens, worked actively.

National observers, who carried out independent monitoring, have noted high organizational level of the elections and announced that the elections were held without any significant breeches.

Summing up the report of the Chairman of the Central Committee for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the gratitude to all citizens of the country who came on that day to poling stations and voted for the most deserved candidates.

The President requested the Chairman of the Central Committee of Turkmenistan to expressed the gratitude on behalf of the Government to all who took active part in the preparation of the elections.

Number of other subjects, on which relative decisions were made, have been reviewed at video conference session of the Government.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants strong health, family wealth, great success in work.