Ï Technological test runs of iron ore samples from Chagyl deposit to be held

Technological test runs of iron ore samples from Chagyl deposit to be held

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By the request of the Ministry of Industry and Communication, specialists of the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa have performed scientific and research works and discovered the deposits of iron ore at Gyzylgaya V section of Chagyl field in Gyzylgaya settlement of Turkmenbashy etrap, Balkan Velayat. It was informed to the Head of the State by Vice-premier M. Chakiyev at the session of the Government on April 5.

It was mentioned that 70 - 75 million tons of iron ore, which contains 20 percent of iron, have been discovered during geological survey. In this regard, it is planned to make technological tests of the samples received from Chagyl deposit. At present time, the presence of the components in iron ore, which is required for production of cement, has been proven and it is currently used.

In this regard, the President noted the importance of opening of modern facilities specialized in processing of rich natural and raw material resources including the expansion of the variety of construction materials made from local feedstock.

Developed multidimensional industry, scientifically based production on local raw material resources are the main conditions defining successful solution of the objectives for provision of economic growth of the country and steadfast improvement of the wealth of the nation. It is necessary to study and adopt the best world practice in order to bring Turkmenistan to the rank of the world leaders in production of natural resources and various construction materials, the Head of the State highlighted, having given relative instructions to the Vice-premier.