Ï The President of Turkmenistan receives the Head of International Sambo Federation

The President of Turkmenistan receives the Head of International Sambo Federation

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The President of Turkmenistan receives the Head of International Sambo Federation
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received President of International Sambo Federation (FIAS) Vasiliy Shestakov who arrived in Ashgabat for participation dedicated to the World Health Day. The meeting took place in the Olympic village of Ashgabat.

Президент Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов принял президента Международной федерации самбо (FIAS) Василия Шестакова, прибывшего в Ашхабад для участия в торжествах, посвящённых Всемирному дню здоровья. Встреча состоялась в ашхабадском Олимпийском городке.

Having expressed sincere gratitude for spared time, the guest congratulated the President, Head of National Olympic Committee Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the decision of the FIAS Executive Committee to conduct 2020 World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat. This international tournament would be another contribution of Turkmenistan to the development of sport diplomacy, - V. Shestakov noted.

Highly assessing the efficiency of the policy for sports of highest achievements and mass physical training and health improving movement pursued by the Head of the State, the Head of the FIAS confirmed the interest of international sport circles to activation of the cooperation with Turkmenistan as with the country with high sport potential and having modern profile infrastructure.

In this context, an excellent organization of V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, rally Amul – Hazar 2018, the World Weightlifting Championship, which became bright events of international sport calendar, has been noted.

Multifunctional sport complexes, physical training and health improving facilities and equestrian centres as well as other super modern spot infrastructural facilities are amazing, - V. Shestakov noted.

Organizational issues of the World Sambo Championship in 2020 have been discussed during the conversation. It was highlighted that the Olympic village of Turkmen capital is able to host competitions in many martial arts like sambo, judo, boxing taekwondo, karate, wrestling and other.

Dimensions of the main hall of martial arts complex of the Olympic village (52 by 30 meters) allow placing three tatami at the same time. project design and construction of this sport facility as well as other objects were carried out in full compliance with technical requirements of International Olympic Committee.

Arenas of the martial arts complex have already hosted international level competitions, in particular Asian Sambo, jujitsu, Turkmen gyoresh and belt wrestling championships. The Olympic village has an excellently equipped press centre provided with high-speed internet, conference hall, doping control centre and several medical outlets with modern equipment. Strict compliance with international standards is mandatory term of high-level competitions and the Olympic village has all necessary for organization of competitions according to relative regulations, - the Head of the State highlighted.

Owing to modern sport infrastructure and professional approach to organization of sport events of different level, the World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat would be held on high level and would improve international prestige of Turkmenistan, - the Head of the FIAS expressed confidence.

In the end of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his guest highlighted mutual interest in intensification of fruitful cooperation between Turkmenistan and International Sambo Federation.