Ï The President of Turkmenistan visits the Olympic village in Ashgabat

The President of Turkmenistan visits the Olympic village in Ashgabat

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The President of Turkmenistan visits the Olympic village in Ashgabat
The World Health Day has been traditionally widely observed in Turkmenistan. Numerous sport, physical training, health improving, cultural, education and other event have been timed to the celebration.

For example, mass climbing along the Path of Health in the foothills of the Kopetdag, which united students and personnel of all spheres, representatives of public organizations, was held in the morning. Sport competitions, demonstration performance of the athletes, national sport game contests and other have been held in various places of Ashgabat, velayat and etrap centres. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the events.

The State spends significant investments on expansion of modern sport and health improving infrastructure, its compliance with international standards. The projects of all educational and pre-school facilities, which are built in the country, have to have excellent gyms, basketball and volleyball grounds, swimming pools, tennis courts and other facilities.

Excellent conditions for active leisure have been made in children health improving centres located in Gyokdere in Ashgabat outskirts and all velayats, on clean Caspian coast in Avaza National tourist zone.

Nowadays, our country actively develops numerous sports including motor sport, ice hockey, figure skating together with the International Olympic Committee and sport federations. Ashgabat has a unique Olympic village. It hosted the World Weightlifting Championship in November 2018 and it would held the World Sambo Championship next 2020.

In the meantime, the Olympic village became the main base for training of National tram for participation in Summer Olympic Games 2020, which would be held in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Today, it hosted the events on occasion of the World Health Day.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov came to the stadium of the Olympic village where he was met by the Vice-premiers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies and the Hyakim of Ashgabat.

The Head of the State highlighted the subject of physical training as one of the most important factors of health protection and improvement in brief conversation with the representatives of the Government of the country.

Having welcomed Vasily Shestakov, the President of the International Sambo Federation, Turkmen leader told the guest about the triumph of 2017 Asian Games in Ashgabat, for which the Olympic village has been built.

Unique sport complex, which has no analogues not only in Central Asian region but beyond its border, includes 40 facilities and has high technology infrastructure and comfortable conditions. At the same time, it distinguished by expressive aesthetic appearance with artistic monumental image of the horse, which raised above the main arena, as an outstanding element. The image of the horse has been listed in the Guinness World Record Book.

The Centre of Water Sports has also received the certificate of the Guinness World Record Book as the biggest in the world indoor swimming pool, which was made based on modern technologies from environmentally friendly construction materials.

Having expressed the admiration with the scale and thoroughness of the Olympic village of Ashgabat, Vasily Shestakov said that it would serve to many generations and be the attraction of white-marble Turkmen capital.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the Head of the International Sambo federation in the building of martial arts complex, having discussed with him the perspectives of cooperation in development of this sport in Turkmenistan.

Upon the completion of the meeting, the guest presented Turkmen leader with the Certificate of his international federation for the contribution to the development of sambo in the world arena as well as commemorative badge and personal sambo outfit.

Having expressed the gratitude for the certificate, the President noted that he sees this fact as a great honour and international recognition of the importance of the state policy of Turkmenistan for development of physical training and sports.

Our main objective is the protection and improvement of the health of people, popularization of healthy life style in the society. significant investments are made to the development of mass physical training and sports, the Head of the State highlighted.

Having developed sport infrastructure, which meet high requirements of the world standards, Turkmenistan gained rich experience in organization of international competitions.

The Head of the State said that at talks on organization of the world and continental level competitions in cycling, futsal, boxing as well as Asian Beach Games in near future are carried out at present. In this regard, the President again expressed the gratitude to the International Sambo Federation for the right to conduct the World Sambo Championship 2020, having highlighted that this is a great honour for us to host competitions of such level in Ashgabat.

We consider this world tournament as a symbol of high trust to Turkmenistan from international sport community, recognition of the merits of our country in development and popularization of physical training and sports, the President noted.

Turkmenistan does everything to host these prestigious competitions deservingly and conduct them on high organizational level, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having congratulated the Head of International Sambo Federation and wished him prosperity and further success.

During the visit to the Olympic village, the President also made cycling run with the members of the Government and representatives of military and law enforcement agencies, before which the Head of the State received new sport bicycle as a gift from his associates.

In this case, it is worth mentioning that the facilities of the Olympic village has indoor cycling truck, which meets relative international standards and modern requirements for similar facilities by all parameters. The amenities of the indoor cycling truck allows conducting international competitions and tournaments including the world championships. The stands of the cycling truck are designated for 6,000 visitors, infrastructure of the this facility gives all opportunities for sportsmen and coaches, technical and service personnel and for the fans.

New page in the history of cycling has started after the opening of indoor cycling truck on the base of the Olympic village as the facility of this kind has been built for the first time in Turkmenistan. The quality of the facility has been appreciated not only by the participants of testing national competitions but also by the specialists of International Cyclists Union.

While riding along cycling truck of the Olympic village, the Head of the State was greeted by numerous sportsmen and athletes who were taking part in the events organized in the facility.

The Head of the State holds under permanent control all subjects related to the development of sport movement in the country, which takes part in the competitions with the participation of the athletes from dozens of states more often, which is very important in the improvement of the status of Turkmenistan as an important international sport centre.

Turkmen leader sees the sport not only as records and medals but as strong, social, consolidating power, which interweaved with culture, economy and diplomacy. Being the Head of independent neutral state, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gives peace-making function to the sports, making Turkmenistan as a centre of international cooperation in this sphere.

This is because all major sport events, which are held in the country, are always big celebrations of friendship. Turkmen people welcomes the guests sharing the best what they have and it does not matter is it the competitions or any other important event…

Coming World Sambo Championship will undoubtedly strengthen the role of Turkmenistan among leading sport countries and will give strong impulse to the development of sport of highest achievements in our country.

In the end of the meeting, Vasily Shestakov was presented with the souvenir. It was a sculpture of Vepaly the alabay, which is sport symbol of the country, with the flags of Turkmenistan and the International Sambo Federation. Vepaly the alabay will always remain in the memory of our compatriots and foreign guests Ashgabat 2017 Games as a symbol of friendship, which united the hearts of thousands of people from different countries in Turkmen land.

Saying goodbye to the participants of the event, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated again everyone on the World Health Day and wished strong health, family wealth, great success in work and left the place of event.

Celebration in the Olympic village was continued by mass training in different sports, in which amateurs and supporters of active leisure took part together with athletes. The events of the celebration was held not only in the capital but also in all regions.