Ï The President of Turkmenistan addresses the greetings to the participants of the WHO conference

The President of Turkmenistan addresses the greetings to the participants of the WHO conference

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Let me extend my congratulations on the opening of International Regional European high-level Conference of the World Health Organization “Prevention and Combat against Non-infectious Diseases”, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Great success has been reached in the development of national health protection sphere. The country caries out large-scale work for comprehensive involvement of health protection system potential, its development and orientation to innovative directions, bringing to international standards. National programme of uncompromising combat against illegal drug trafficking, which has negative effect on physical and spiritual health of human, is successfully implemented. Great attention is paid to the prevention of different diseases and popularization of the principles of healthy life style.

The work for creation and improvement of medical sphere meeting the requirements of the World Health Organization has been performed comprehensively in Turkmenistan. In particular, this is the protection of health of mothers and children, significant reduction of number of frequently spreading illnesses, infectious and non-infectious diseases, implementation of the principles of healthy life style according to national features, which is visually demonstrated by Turkmen model of medicine, - the message mentions.

Success achieved in the development of health protection sphere was recognized by the world community and international organizations. For the short period, super modern medical and diagnostic centres, clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums Archaman, Yily Suw, Berzengi, Farab, Bayramaly, Mollakara, Dashoguz and Avazza have been put into operation in Ashgabat, velayat, etrap centres and villages. Facilities for production of medicine based on herbs and plants growing in Turkmenistan, which heal from many diseases, have been opened.

Profile cooperation with big world medical centres, scientific and research facilities has been established. Big work for implementation of healthy life style has been carried out in all parts of the country; stadiums, big sport complexes and parks have been built. It indicates that out main goal is the care of the wealth of people.

Electronic document management system has been established by wide implementation of informative and communication technologies in national sphere of health protection and medical industry. It gives the opportunity for further improvement of the management of the sphere.

Establishment of reliable partnership between Turkmenistan and the United Nations Organizations, European Union and dozens of states in the spheres of health protection, science and education, publishing of various manuals and guides, implementation of advanced scientific and methodological practice and modern education methods also support current development of these spheres, - the message highlights.

The award of prestigious European Quality prize to Turkmenistan State Medical University by the International Science and Education Society as well as entry of the University to the World Information Fund “Avicenna Directorate” by the World Medical Education Federation are visual indication of the world recognition of established national model of health protection.

During high-level European conference “Prevention and Combat against Infectious and Non-infectious Diseases” under the WHO aegis, you will visit modern scientific and clinical centres, secondary, specialized and high educational facilities, which were built in Ashgabat. You will see the activity carried in the country related to the health protection of the citizens, introduction of new technologies, interactive methods of education.

The activities provided by the programme of this conference will allow the representatives of the states participating in international forum sharing the practice in prevention and combat against the diseases.

I wish you strong health, longevity, happiness, success in such noble activity as the protection of human health, the message of the President says.