Ï Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid

Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid

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Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
Foundations of another administrative, business and investment centre of the country are laid
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the ceremony of laying of foundation stone of Ahal Velayat, new city that would be built in Guoktepe etrap.

This event marks another important step toward successful implementation of social and economic strategy of the Head of the State, one of key aspects of which is the creation of the best conditions for comfortable life of Turkmenistan citizens. Implementation of urban construction projects is also to support the solution of objectives for integrated industrialization of the regions, diversification of national economy and development of private sector.

…Celebration atmosphere was reigning at the place of coming event. Numerous people have gathered there to be the witnesses of this remarkable event. The flags are hoisted everywhere, various banners and boards giving visual impression of future city as well as historical reconstruction of famous monuments, which remained until our days in the foothill valley of Ahal are installed. Marriage ceremonies, national games, work process of masters of national craft were demonstrated next to ‘yurtas’. The attention of guests was attracted by forty girls who weave giant carpet.

Vehicle of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stopped in front of the ground where first construction works of new settlement have to start shortly.

The Head of the State was greeted by the members of Cabinet of Ministers, Speaker and deputies of the Mejlis, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, public organizations, heads of foreign diplomatic missions and representative of international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, personnel of foreign mass media, businessmen, hyakims of Ashgabat and Ahal Velayat.

Art collectives greeted the President with their performance. Music, songs and dances give special celebration mood to current event. There was entire historical city around, which presented original historical retrospective – first one could see large templates, which demonstrated magnificent monuments of national architecture, which were replace with the facilities planned by project designers for construction. These are the Ruhiyet Palace, cultural centre, museum, building of regional administration, multiprofile hospital and other facilities, which wold be built in this place in the next few years.

The Head of the State went to the place of the laying of foundation stone ceremony of new modern administration centre of Ahal Velayat. Having addressed the greetings to the participants, the President said about the significance of current event when practical implementation of another grandiose project of construction of entire city is started in the country. Only the state with powerful economic base and big perspectives of growth is able to implement such large-scale projects.

We start building administration centre using urban construction practice gained by us for the years of reforms, the Head of the State said, having noted that local companies successfully implements important projects building agricultural and industrial facilities and complexes, living estates and settlements. All these facilities entirely meet the most modern requirements of international standards.

Improvement of life conditions of Turkmenistan citizens, steadfast modernization of social and living infrastructure are always under special attention of the state, the President highlighted. Beneficial mortgage loans given to the citizens provide availability of comfort living for the residents of cities and villages. Due to this factor and growing expansion of living construction, thousands of families become the owners of apartments in excellent residential buildings every year.

In addition to high-rise buildings, we build big cottage complexes. It also allows expanding the opportunity of the citizens to choose whether they want to live multi-storey building or in cottage. Residential estates would also be built in the northern part of the capital, in Choganly.

The works of the 16th phase of urban construction of Ashgabat are carried out actively, new fashionable hotels, administration buildings and social facilities are built, the President continued. Avaza National tourist zone, which became the resort of international level, has appeared in deserted land, which turned into giant construction site.

Beautiful architectural ensembles decorated other cities of Turkmenistan, new villages appeared. Modern plants and factories, medical, cultural and sport centres, schools and universities, which were built everywhere, became the evidence of economic power of our state. They have demonstrated how far our country has moved forward.

All of these is the result of our creative strategy of the state development, which puts the prosperity of the nation, every family and citizens on priority level, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

The Head of the State noted that our country builds social facilities at high rates and this direction is very important as one of the priorities of national strategy.

All capabilities of Turkmenistan, political, administrative and other resources are used to achieve this noble goal. Ministries and profile departments are attracted to this work. Special attention is paid to the development and tree planting of the country.

Industrialization of the country is carried out at rapid rates turning it into the state with developed industrial branches, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. New roads connecting all regions are built; the construction of Ashgabat –Turkmenabat highway has started, the construction of Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy is continued.

Having connected each other in Ahal Velayat, these roads will connect two regions located in the east and west of the country. These roads of international significance will provide the entry to neighbouring states in the East – West and North – South directions after connection to Ashgabat – Dashoguz highway, the President said.

Nowadays, we entry this important stage of reforms, we lay the foundation of new city, which would turn into another administration, business and investment centre of the country, the Head of the State said.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that this work starts in virgin lands. New excellent page of the chronicle of our country is opened in this place on the territory of Gyoktepe etrap, which we will continue by future achievements and future generations will continue this!

Speaking of deep importance of this project, the Head of the state highlighted innovative component as system-building basis of development of administration centre of Ahal and entire region. We have to have clear vision of our tomorrow day in order to build the city of future, the President said.

Undoubtedly, new city can not survive without digital and intellectual systems and high technologies. They are actively implemented in all spheres of life these days. At the same time, keeping the pace with general world development, we carefully protect our national heritage, spiritual values, culture, traditions and customs for current and future generations. All of these would be reflected in architectural image of new city and in organization of its social and living infrastructure, the Head of the State noted.

Turkmen leader has also attracted the attention of the participants that location of new administration centre was studied thoroughly by scientist, its ecological conditions and seismic activity of the region were researched.

These subjects have been discussed with the elders, deputies, local residents, which opinion is very important in order to take into account all circumstances and to make new city more comfortable, the Head of the State said, having noted that roads would be build in this place and transport communication with other etraps of the velayat would be arranged.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed that new city is designated for 70,000 people. It is planned to build more than 400 cottages and multi-storey buildings with the best conditions for living, rest and harmonic education of children.

The Head of the State also said that 10 kindergartens for 320 children each, 19 secondary schools for 720 students each would be built in new administration centre of the velayat. In addition, initial and secondary specialized schools two art schools are planned to be built.

Wide network of medical facilities including the Centre of Protection of Mother and Child Health and other facilities would be established. The Ruhiyet Palace, Cultural Centre, drama theatre, library, circus, museum, 2 modern sport complexes will be built in new city. It is planned to plant a park for the place of recreation of the residents. Various services will be presented to the population in shopping and entertainment centre.

It is planned to build International Equestrian High School with horseracing course, training grounds, arenas and stables, Scientific and Production centre of the sphere. All these facilities will form up a single system together with International Equestrian Centre.

The city will be provided with administrative, business, social sphere, transport and communication networks, which would allow creating new work place and to solve the issue of employment of the population.

The construction will be made on innovative base. It is important that there is no necessary to find lands and demolish building for construction of new complex of facilities. At the same time, the image of empty lands will be significantly changed.

The best conditions will be made for people who will come to live in new city. The best environment will be created. It will allow not only attracting numerous citizens but also fundamentally changing the economy of the velayat, which development would receive new impulse, the President said.

At the same time, the formation of active business, labour, social and cultural relations between the settlements around Ashgabat will start. Logistics, trade, financial movement and technologies will receive significant stimulus for the growth. In its turn, it will outlined new directions of political, social and economic development of the country in near future.

Finishing his speech, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the participants on current remarkable event – the laying of foundation of new administration centre of Ahal Velayat, and wished all citizens of the region strong health, happy and wealthy life and great success in work.

Boy and girl in national dress asked the Head of the State to sign memory message to future generations on occasion of current historical event. After, the message addressed to future generations of Turkmenistan citizens, was place to special capsule.

The President of the country went to the place of laying of the foundation where he placed the capsule to the base of the foundation of one of the facilities of future city.

Turkmen leader gave start to the construction, having put first shovels of concrete, from which integrated development of the territory and construction of large complex of living houses, administration buildings and other facilities have started.

Following from the speech of the Head of the state, self-sufficiency of living environment of urban space will be the main principle in this place for the population of the administration centre would be able to have all opportunity for study, rest, going if for sport, art, use of modern services of trade, entertainment and health improving service as well as the opportunity to find good work. These are working places that would be created in this place would provide economic sustainability and stable development of new city and would allow integrating of the city to economic structure of the country.

Ecology is another important moment, to which Turkmen leader pays special attention. New administration centre of Ahal Velayat will be located in picturesque place, spacious valley in the Kopetdag foothills. Wide implementation of ‘green’ technologies will be required for protection of this natural beauty. Therefore, future city will be the sample for imitation including in ecological aspect and in the aspect of new urban culture.

After the ceremony, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the Gyoktepe Mosque where upon the arrival he was met by the Mufti of Turkmenistan, imam of the etrap, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies.

In the conversation with the clerics, the President made special mention of the importance to protect the traditions of Turkmen people, their role in moral and patriotic education of the youth, which represent future ‘human capital’, the most valuable resources of the country and guarantee of its steadfast development.

After, the Head of the State has entered the Mosque and sat at special place. The Mufti of Turkmenistan raised the prayers to the Almighty asking for peace and stability in Turkmen land, unity of the nation, health and successful activity of the head of the State.

Upon the completion of the prayer, the President took part in sadaka.

After sadaka, having congratulated again the participants on remarkable event, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said warm goodbye and left the place of event.