Ï Turkmenistan activates foreign activity

Turkmenistan activates foreign activity

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Our neutral country successfully develops the relations of friendship and constructive cooperation both in bilateral and multilateral formats. It was informed in the report of the Vice-premier, Head of Foreign Ministry Rashid Meredov on the outcomes of the first quarter of the year.

This is indicated by the outcomes of high-level talks held during the visits of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the King of Bahrein in the period under review. Efficient cooperation with competent international and regional organizations is also indicates this fact.

It was informed that the work on preparation of the visits of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to foreign countries and visits of the heads of foreign states to Turkmenistan is continued.

Consultations between local Foreign Ministry and foreign departments of other countries are held on regular base. Sessions of the Interstate Turkmen – Kazakh and Turkmen – Korean Commissions, Joint Turkmenistan – European Union Committee as well as Turkmen – Bahraini, Turkmen – Korean and Turkmen – German business forums were held for further improvement and expansion of fruitful trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian relations with foreign partners in the first quarter. Meeting of the heads of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian Commission of economic cooperation was organized in Moscow on April 5.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister reported on the preparation to the state visit of the President of the Republic of Korea to our country.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the necessity of optimal implementation of significant potential of interstate cooperation in economic sphere. There are all opportunities for expansion of directions of beneficial partnership and productive business relations, activation of investment activity, implementation of new joint projects including in industrial sector, the Head of the State highlighted.

Having noted that signing of number of documents, which are to improve regulatory and legal framework of cooperation in different spheres and to give new impulse to development of efficient cooperation, is planned by the outcomes of bilateral high-level talks, the President ordered to provide high organizational level of preparation to the state visit of the President of the Republic of Korea.

The Head of the State also requested the Vice-premier, the Head of the Foreign Ministry with number of certain instructions on provision of high organizational level of preparation and conduct of the events related to the chairing of Turkmenistan in the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and the Commonwealth of Independent States.