Ï The Turkmen-German project on the conservation of riparian forests launched

The Turkmen-German project on the conservation of riparian forests launched

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The Regional programme “Ecosystem-based land use and preservation of ecosystems in the lower section of the Amu Darya River” has been launched with the support of Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Protection of Turkmenistan and the German Environment Agency.

Turkmenistan and Germany have experience of joint actions to protect the unique riverside forests of Central Asia - Tugai forest (riparian forest). Previously, joint reforestation works in such oases were carried out jointly with the experts of the Michael Succow Foundation. At present, environmentalists in Turkmenistan will work in partnership with the representatives of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) that acts as a project coordinator in Turkmenistan.

Scientific and practical activities will be concentrated in the lower section of the Amu Darya River in Lebap velayat (Turkmenistan) and Uzbekistan. The preparatory work for the new environmental project started last year. It will be implemented from now until 2020. It should be emphasized that in our country GIZ operates in two directions: land and water. The intellectual and technical potential of the Regional programme for sustainable and climate sensitive land use for economic development in Central Asia will study of the current conditions of tugai forests and the development of measures to restore them.

The project aims at analyzing the environmental work in the Amu Darya Reserve and the environmental situation in the coastal zone. Particular attention will be paid to the state of tugai pastures and the preparation of recommendations for their presevation. These activities are aimed at maintaining the ecological balance of specially protected natural areas. It is also planned to conduct biogeographical mapping, as well as trainings for reserve staff on the aspects of the climate change impact on agriculture and ecosystems.