Ï Ashgabat and Seoul plan to activate the dialog in cultural and humanitarian sphere

Ashgabat and Seoul plan to activate the dialog in cultural and humanitarian sphere

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Importance of the activation of cooperation in cultural and humanitarian sphere has been mentioned at high-level Turkmen – Korean talks in Ashgabat.

Turkmenistan treats Korean language and ancient original culture of Korean nation with great respect. D. Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages train specialists in Korean language and literature for 11 years. The decision on opening of the Centre of Korean Language and Culture of the Fund of King Sejong Institute on the base of Turkmen institute has been taken.

In the last few years, more than 170 Turkmen students received and continue getting education in high educational institutes of the Republic of Korea. Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed relative ministries of two countries to review the opportunity of expansion of cooperation in training of qualified personnel.

The subject of the partnership with the Korean Plant Industry Association (KOPIA) and Korean Institute of Industrial Technologies (KITECH) is elaborated in the context of training of specialists in industrial, petrochemical, oil refinery and information technologies spheres.

There are big opportunities in the sphere of scientific cooperation. In particular, Turkmen side seems the opening of the Informational Internet Centre by the proposal of the Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technologies of the Republic of Korea, which activity would support the expansion of bilateral cooperation in this sphere, to be perspective in our country.

The decision of Turkmenistan to join the Institute of global ‘green’ growth, which headquarter is located in Seoul, is a bright example of the partnership in scientific and applied spheres.

Taking into account mutual interest in the development of cultural dialog, Turkmen leader proposed to organize Turkmen – Korean Forum of Cultural and Art Personnel in Ashgabat in 2020.

Sports is one of traditional directions of bilateral cooperation. Martial arts, which include Korean national taekwondo, are very popular in Turkmenistan. Taking the opportunity, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the gratitude to Korean specialists for training and master classes given to Turkmen sportsmen.

It was mentioned that the sides consider the opportunity of the meeting of the heads of the Government structures responsible for the sport development in Ashgabat in the second half of 2019.

Big perspectives are opened in the development of the partnership in tourism sphere. In near term, Turkmenistan will develop the Concept of cooperation in tourism sphere with the Republic of Korea.